When the next unification war is launched, no one can stop his pace.

The first preparation Han Ling made was to establish a special force.

As we all know, a special force with strong combat effectiveness, if you use it well, can reach an army of [-].

If you don't use it well, it's worthless.

Han Ling planned to find out the specific terrain and other things south of the Yangtze River before launching the unification war.

As for information!

Now after such a long period of development of the intelligence bureau, after adding spy machines and spy clones, the intelligence capabilities have risen to a terrifying level.

So don't worry about intelligence.

Now it's a matter of terrain.

And for these, you need to send your own troops to conduct parent-child investigations.

In this way, during the unified war, there will be no situation where the enemy escapes because of the terrain.

As for the commander of the special forces!

Han Ling was still looking for a commander to come out.But let's choose the special forces team members first.

Choose from the whole army!

"bang bang bang"

A knock on the door interrupted Han Ling's train of thought.

"Come in!"

Han Ling rubbed his forehead and said.

"Master! Still dealing with things? Isn't it all over?"

Zhang Hanqing walked in with a smile.

"No! The matter of establishing special forces! I plan to select marine elites from all over the country and set up three special warfare brigades. Isn't this still thinking about some specific affairs of the special forces brigade!"

Han Ling smiled helplessly.

"Establish a special warfare brigade? Is it what you said that you can go through mountains and forests like walking on flat ground, and one person can be a hundred-strong army?"

Zhang Hanqing asked in a daze.

"En! That's right! If it's not it, who else is it! Now there are still some details. I have completed the general idea!"

Han Ling nodded.

"There are still some details missing? Since there are some details missing, you haven't figured it out yet, which means that you are using your brain too much.

Come come come!I brought you something to nourish your brain, after you eat it, you will definitely remember it! "

Zhang Hanqing's eyes lit up.

"Eat? What? Monkey brain? Pig brain?"

"Master! Where are you thinking? Can those things replenish your brain? Come on! The things I brought you are definitely brain-replenishing things."

While talking, Zhang Hanqing warmly greeted Han Ling to go with him.

Han Ling wanted to see what he said could fill his brain.

Following Zhang Hanqing, I found that the place to go was his office.

"Hanqing, what the hell did you bring here? You're still in your office, so why should you be so mysterious? Since you are brain-supplementing, call Mr. Zhan Ning!"

"He can't eat that thing, even if it is given to him, he won't eat it!"

"What the hell is it"

Before Han Ling finished speaking, Zhang Hanqing pushed open the door of his office.

Then Han Ling saw what he had brought.

There is a person standing inside.

Wearing a white dress, holding a basket in his hand, standing in it and watching.

"Master! You eat alone first, I will go to the command hall to have a look!"

Zhang Hanqing ran away after speaking.

"Huaiying! You're here!"

Han Ling smiled helplessly, walked in and smiled.

"En! My brother said that you have been using your brain all this time, so I stewed some chicken soup! The guards outside didn't let me in, so I just"

Zhang Huaiying lowered her head, the shyness on her face gave Han Ling a strange feeling.

"Hanqing, old boy! Forget it, go to my office! This old boy may be peeking again!"

Han Ling said, took Zhang Huaiying's hand and walked outside.

When he walked outside, his eyes inadvertently meowed around a corner.

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