Han Ling sighed, looked at them and said.

"Is it technology? Or the theoretical knowledge in your mind? Or is it the skill of sailing?

Do not!


Be it Army, Air Force or Navy.

The most important thing is whether they are full of self-confidence in their hearts.

Is there a positive and enterprising spirit!

Do you have the courage to draw your sword?

You don't even have the confidence to operate such a battleship now, how can you talk about fighting the Japanese invaders in the future?

Today I board the ship, you have to protect me.But I don't have the confidence to protect me.

In the future, when you drive a warship to protect the motherland on the ocean, do you have the confidence?

If you don’t have the confidence to protect me today, you will even less have the confidence to protect the motherland from invasion and invasion in the future.

Life is always full of challenges, challenges to new things, challenges to powerful enemies.

A qualified swordsman, he never fears.

When he met on a narrow road and met the number one swordsman in the world, he knew that he was going to die, but he still dared to draw his sword to fight against him, and he would never die.

Soldiers, what you lack now is self-confidence.

And when you come to the battlefield in the future, what you lack is the courage to face the world's number one swordsman and dare to draw your sword to fight for life and death.

Fear is not terrible, what is terrible is that it makes you retreat because of fear.This is the scariest thing.

The army can still retreat if it cannot be defeated, and the air force can still fly away if it cannot be defeated.

But what about the Navy?

The navy is all about the spirit of attack.The navy can't beat it, knowing that it will die.


Because you have no escape.

The sea is big, but we are land creatures, not sea creatures.

So soldiers, you must always remember that in the face of any situation, any crisis, you must never be afraid.

Even if you are facing a battleship with a destroyer, you must not be afraid.

Maybe your fear will cost you your last chance to live"

Han Ling's speech in front of the naval officers was of great significance.

Since then, the Huaxia Navy has begun to change.

Started the kind of change from the bone.

From now on, no matter what powerful enemy they face, they dare to fight it.

This also laid the foundation for the Han Empire Navy to dare to challenge the United Navy of the world alone in the future.

It is precisely because of these that the future Han Empire Navy will defeat strong enemies with weak forces time and time again, and defeat opponents time and time again.Create an immortal myth!

Of course, these are all for later.

At this time, Han Ling gave his first speech to the naval officers in the naval manufacturing base in Qinhuangdao.

However, at the junction of Guangyuan and Shaanxi in the far north of Sichuan, there is a family of three struggling walkers.

Sichuan was originally known as the Land of Abundance.

Within this basin, there are rich products and a large population.It is a rare quiet place.

However, in recent years, there have been successive natural disasters in Sichuan, causing a large number of victims.

And many young men left the last bit of food at home to their parents, wives and children, and went out for a difficult military career with a machete on their backs.

This is also one of the reasons why there are so many warlords in Sichuan.

Originally serving as a soldier was a way for many people to survive.

But some time ago, after the war between the Nanjing government and the Beiping government ended, the Chairman was defeated and his troops shrank to the south of the Yangtze River.

The result of the shrinkage of troops is that the chairman's army of several million is invincible in the south.

The warlords in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other places did not dare to make changes, or even start a war, for fear that the chairman of the general committee would use this as an excuse to take away his territory.

The result of this is that the war has decreased, and the people should be happy.

But Sichuan was not happy.

The number of wars has decreased, and those warlords understand some truths when they think of the Pingyuan Army's [-] to [-].

In war, numbers are not the way to win.

So they also began to refine their troops and streamline their administration, hoping to train elite soldiers.

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