As a result, many people were dismissed, and some people who wanted to serve as soldiers for a living also lost their last way of life.

These people thought that the harvest would be imminent, so they endured it and started digging wild vegetables, or getting some other things to live on.

But the weather is not beautiful, and it usually rains a few times before the harvest.

Unfortunately, the drought has returned this year.

Because there is no rain, countless crops are withered and yellow in the fields.

The food that these people were able to survive on just turned into hay and withered in the ground, and there was no harvest.

And the officials above are domineering above, raising taxes in various ways.

It directly made these people who were already struggling to survive lose their way of life.

At this time, some merchants in the horse team brought a message.

Under the Beiping government, everyone could eat white noodles and pork.

Where there is no hunger, no oppression, no exploitation!

Where everyone is equal, where the people live and work in peace and contentment!

Such news is like nectar after a long drought to Sichuan people who have been suffering from natural disasters for years.

In this way, countless families began to pour into Shaanxi and other places with their families, because that was under the rule of the Beiping government.

They dragged their hungry bodies while holding on to a belief in their hearts.

"Where you must go! There will be no hunger, no oppression, no exploitation!"

Chapter 186: The fleeing Sichuanese [Part [-]]

"Father, how long will it take for us to arrive in Shaanxi?"

A woman in her thirties was carrying a bundle and looked at her husband in front.

There is also a teenage child in the middle.

This child looks a little dark-skinned, with a simple and honest look on his face, but there is a touch of determination between his brows.

The man walking in front was in his thirties.

Although his real age is only in his thirties, on the surface he appears to be in his forties.

Years of overloaded work has exhausted his body too much, so he is only in his thirties, but he looks like a man in his forties.

"We should be arriving soon, right? Didn't we ask just now! This is already Zhuandou Township. But it's a strange place, and I haven't seen many people in the twenty-odd miles!"

The man said with some uncertainty, and then he also felt puzzled.

They traveled more than [-] miles, but they didn't see many people.

Even if they saw it, it was some old people. It seemed that the young people didn't see it, so they could only ask those old people if they wanted to ask for directions.

In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal. The people living in Shaanxi are the first to know about the good times under the Beiping government.

And they are also close to Shaanxi.This is Zhuandou Township, and they arrived in Shaanxi within half a day.

Half a day's journey paid for a good day, and they ran away long ago.

Who is still here in Sichuan?

Those officials don't care about the people at all, they only know how to search constantly.

They are so close to Shaanxi, they don't know how to run, they are fools.

Only some old people who couldn't leave their homeland stayed.

People who are fifty or sixty miles away from Shaanxi have almost run away.

"Okay! Let's hurry up! We will be able to live a good life in Shaanxi!"

Chunhua said a little weakly.

Recently, they have been in a state of hunger and hunger.

Plus perennial malnutrition.

Chunhua's body is also very overdrawn.

And his son, in his teens, was at the time when a half-child was eating a poor old man.

But because there is not much food in the family, he can only be hungry for one meal.

It should be the child of a handsome young man, but at this moment, his face is sallow and thin, and his lips are a little pale.

They are a family of three, but they only ate two sweet potatoes yesterday morning, and the three of them shared two sweet potatoes, as one can imagine.

Now they have all reached the point where they are about to fall at any moment.

"Shitou, hurry up! Help your mother, if what the old man said just now is correct, we will reach Shaanxi after crossing this mountain."

The man carried a large package on his back, turned around and looked at his child.

Shi Shi didn't speak, but just went to help his mother.

"No, I can still walk!"

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