Even the Northwest Army, which claims to be poorly equipped, has better weapons and equipment than them.

"Marshal, these are of course no problem, but there are still some problems, I wonder if you have considered them?"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and said.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, are you saying that if we invade Sichuan now, we will take over the mess of the warlords?"

Han Ling sat down, looked at Jiang Baili and said.

"That's right! There are tens of millions of people in Sichuan, but only a few million have escaped to our rule. This has cost us a lot of money.

If we enter Sichuan at this time, it will be very bad for our finances! "

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and said seriously.

"The biggest problem in Sichuan right now is food, we don't have any shortage of food.

As for other things, take your time!And this time is a good time for us to win the hearts and minds of the people.We have no shortage of this food! "

Hearing what Han Ling said, Jiang Baili knew that Han Ling had already made a choice.

"Now that you have made a decision, what do you need me, an old man, to do?"

"Mr. Zhan Ning, how well is our army reorganized now?"

Han Ling didn't answer, but asked.

"It's almost time to change the weapons and equipment!"

"En! I'm going to transfer the first army, the second army, the third army, the fourth army, and four infantry armies into Sichuan!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing looked at each other.

Transferring these four armies into Sichuan, it seems that their commander must have other ideas.

You know, these four infantry armies are all elite units of the Pingyuan Army. Is such an elite army needed to fight against the Sichuan warlords?Moreover, four armies will be transferred in at one time!

But this has not been settled yet, Han Ling thought for a while after saying this.

Then he raised his head and continued: "In addition, twelve infantry divisions will be transferred to Sichuan.

In addition, another ten infantry divisions will be transferred into Qinghai! "

"Master, do you want to"

Jiang Baili couldn't help frowning.

Transferring ten infantry divisions into Qinghai, either has a plan for returning to Xinjiang or a plan for Tibetan areas!

"Well! Sichuan is next to the Tibetan area. Now that the British are eyeing the Tibetan area, and regard the Tibetan area as their own food, our march into Sichuan may arouse the vigilance of the British, and even threaten us again.

In the navy, I admit that we are not yet the opponent of the British, but it does not mean that their army can beat us.

Since you want to act, let's get a big one!

Take this opportunity to win Sichuan and recover Xinjiang and Tibetan areas.At present, the person in charge of returning to Xinjiang is Jin Shuren, I think we can send someone to contact him! "

"Master! You really have a lot of thoughts! You have thought so much!"

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and smiled wryly.

"Huijiang and Tibetan areas are my Chinese territory after all, how can such a team hang overseas alone?"

On August [-], [-], the First Army, Second Army, Third Army, and Fourth Army of the Pingyuan Army received orders from Han Ling and began to gather in Xi'an.

At the same time, twenty-two other infantry divisions began to move northwest.

At the same time, countless military supplies began to be transported to the Northwest by airships.

The bombing brigade and the air division also began to go to the northwest to start a special field.

Such a big move by the Pingyuan Army made the Nanjing government vigilant, and at the same time made the warlords in Sichuan also start to be vigilant.

The Pingyuan Army dispatched so many troops into the Northwest, they were definitely not here for tourism, so they had to come to fight.

Since you are here to fight, who will you fight?

Those four armies in the Xi'an area made the Nanjing government and the warlords in Sichuan Province most wary.

Because they all know that these four armies are the elite of the Pingyuan Army.

Some time ago, it was these four armies that defeated the Nanjing government's army.

When the various troops were mobilized to the northwest, various newspapers of the Beiping government began to report this action of the Pingyuan Army.

Many reporters even asked to interview Han Ling, wanting to know Han Ling's determination to unify China.

On August [-], [-], Han Ling asked Fang Tu to release the news to the outside world. On August [-], a press conference will be held in the government hall in Xiyuan to announce the military action of the Pingyuan Army to the outside world.

Chapter 188: Prepare for Battle

"Marshal Han! May I ask what is your purpose for mobilizing more than [-] troops to the northwest this time?"

"Marshal Han! Is the military operation of the Pingyuan Army this time just like the outside world said, you are going to open a breakthrough from Sichuan and launch a unified war again?"

"Marshal Han! This time you mobilized more than [-] troops. Are you full of hope for the unified war? If you fail, what will you do?"

The next day, in the government hall, countless reporters looked at Han Ling standing on top and kept asking questions.

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