Today, Han Ling was wearing a military uniform and a pair of sunglasses, standing on a high platform in the hall, and beside him stood Fang Tu, the Minister of the Secretary Department.

Surrounded by a large number of guards, they all hoped that Han Ling could answer their own questions first.

"Everyone be quiet! Come one by one! If you are like this, our commander-in-chief can't answer your questions, can you? If you want to ask questions, please raise your hands, we will come one by one!"

Looking at the chattering reporters below, Fang Tu couldn't help saying loudly.

After Fang Tu said this, the reporters below began to quiet down.

"Okay! Everyone, please be quiet! I don't know how to answer your questions together? Do you think so? If you have any questions, please raise your hands!"

At this time, Han Ling said with a gentle smile on his face.

After Han Ling's voice fell, all the reporters below raised their hands.

"This reporter, come first!"

Han Ling first ordered a female reporter.

"Marshal Han! This time you have mobilized more than [-] troops to gather in the northwest. Do you want to use Sichuan as a breakthrough to launch a unification war?"

The female reporter didn't expect Han Ling to point her, so she hurriedly asked after being taken aback for a moment.

"Before we have absolute strength, we will not rashly launch a unification war, because this will plunge China into the quagmire of war, which is not what I want!"

Han Ling answered the reporter's question with a smile on his face.

"Commander! Then, if you are not going to launch a unification war, why did you gather an army of more than half a million in the northwest?"

"Hehe! This question is very simple. Originally, in my plan, there will be no more wars this year. We will only develop people's livelihood this year.

But who knows that some accidents appeared in these processes.

Some time ago, there was a natural disaster and drought in Sichuan, and the people’s food grains failed. I wonder if this reporter knows? "

"Of course! Of course we know about these things. I heard that the commander-in-chief personally issued the No. [-] rescue order to rescue the people who fled from the famine so that they can survive!

I have to say, Marshal, this act of yours made us feel your love for the people of China! "

This reporter was a reporter from a newspaper in Beiping. When they learned that Han Ling hadn't stopped these people from entering the country and had mobilized a large amount of relief supplies, they all felt that this commander was not the warlords of the past.

"Of course! They are all Chinese citizens. As the government of China, the Beiping government should naturally help them!

And that's why I want to start this war.

Such a natural disaster occurred in Sichuan, and the common people were in dire straits, and it was under such circumstances.

I got information that not only did the warlords in Sichuan not start rescue and let the people survive this famine, on the contrary, they continued to collect taxes and squeeze the people.

For these evil warlords, I decided not to let them go.

For the sake of the people in Sichuan, I decided to unify Sichuan and bring Sichuan under the rule of my Beiping government.Let the people in Sichuan no longer be oppressed and exploited”

Han Ling's press conference was not limited to reporters, and his voice was not limited to this government hall.

On the contrary, his voice was broadcast to all places north of the Yangtze River, and even Han Ling's voice resounded in the chairman's office.

"Mother Xipi! This Han Ling, who clearly wants to expand his territory, is so righteous and awe-inspiring!"

After hearing Han Ling's words, Han Ling couldn't help cursing angrily.

The chairman has seen Han Ling's shamelessness.

I used to think that this little guy was too young to do well in politics.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Even at a young age, she knew she was lying with her eyes open.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Han Ling obviously wants to eat Sichuan, and he even said that it is for the people of Sichuan. Isn't this nonsense?

Now that there is a famine in Sichuan, food is in short supply, and Liu Xiang's military expenditures have also begun to become tense.

This was the time when Liu Xiang and the others were very weak. Han Ling entered Sichuan at this time and had to say that his vision was poisonous.

"Commissioned seat! Doesn't this Han Ling know that if he wins Sichuan at this time, it will add a lot of burden to himself?"

He Yingqin who was beside him asked.

"Increasing burden? Sichuan was hit by a disaster, and the main problem is food.

Han Ling didn't know where he got so much food.

A few days ago, Yu Nong reported to me that Han Ling mobilized a large amount of grain and shipped it to the Northwest to help those victims who fled to Shaanxi!

And now that he dares to march into Sichuan, it means that he must have a lot of food in his hands! "

In fact, when it comes to this question, the chairman is also wondering, he also wants to eat this piece of fat from Sichuan.

But once you want to eat the fat of Sichuan, you have to be responsible for the disaster-stricken Sichuan.

Such a big burden, even he dare not bear it.

Once eaten, the disaster in Sichuan will cost a lot of money!

"Committee, now that Han Ling has made a high-profile announcement that he is going to enter Sichuan, what should we do? Should we give up Sichuan to the Beiping government?"

He Yingqin looked at the chairman and said.

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