"Roger that!"

A sound was received from the channel.

Then a dive bomber began to lower the altitude.

A few minutes later, they had already flown to the Sichuan Army's position.

At this time, the divisional artillery regiment of the First Division had stopped shelling.

Since it was summer, the shelling would raise a lot of dust.

Make it impossible for the Air Force to identify the specific coordinates of the Sichuan Army, so that precise strikes cannot be carried out.

So they stopped shelling.

Some Sichuan soldiers felt that there was no more shelling, so they quietly crawled out of their hiding places.

But when he saw the bomber in the sky, he immediately went into hiding.

Although they don't know about the bombing of the bomber, they also know that this thing is a bomber, and if they are not good, they will die.

"woo woo woo woo"

When the dive bombers arrived at the Sichuan army's position, the dive bombers suddenly lowered their noses, and began to rush down towards the Sichuan army's position below at a nearly vertical angle.

When the altitude was about to reach the limit, they pulled up the nose suddenly, in the process.

A [-]kg heavy aerial bomb fell from the magazine to the Sichuan Army's position.




This [-]-kilogram heavy aerial bomb is extremely powerful.

Artillery might not blow them out.

But this kind of bomb can throw them directly into the air, then fall heavily, and then roll towards the foot of the mountain.

And they found a place to hide.

Unless your hideout is a blind spot, you have nothing but death.

Even if your hiding place is very strong, even if it is so strong that a [-]kg aviation bomb cannot be blown up, you will still die.

Because of the power of this heavy aerial bomb, it can shatter your fragile internal organs into a pile of rotten meat.

"Okay! Very good! It seems that this dive bomber is more useful. In terms of tactics, there are really few things that can compare with this thing. Order the troops to press me up. Press me as close as you can. "

Li Longke saw a Sichuan soldier being blown out through the binoculars, and immediately gave orders loudly excitedly.


The communications staff went to give orders.

The troops of the First Army of the Pingyuan Army began to slowly press up the mountain.

At this time, the Sichuan army was suppressed by the air force and couldn't even raise its head. It didn't know anything about the news that the Pingyuan army went up the mountain.

Chapter 190: Collapsing at the Touch of a Touch [[-]]

"Report to the military seat! Our troops have been pushed to the limit! We can't push any further!"

When Li Longke watched his troops slowly press up, a staff officer ran over and said!

"I got it! Contact the air force and carry out another ten minutes of bombing! After ten minutes, our troops will immediately launch an attack on the Sichuan army!"

Li Longke put down the binoculars and said.


After a few minutes

The soldiers of the First Division and One Regiment of the First Army were scattered on the mountain, waiting for orders from the headquarters at all times.

"Report, an order came from the headquarters, the air force will retreat in three minutes, let us launch an attack immediately!"

A correspondent quickly ran to the head of the regiment and said.

"okay, I get it!"

After the first regiment leader finished speaking, he immediately said to him: "Immediately send an order to the battalions to launch an attack immediately!"


"Pingyuan Army Regiment! Attack!"

Following the order given by the head of the first regiment, two minutes later, the soldiers of the first regiment suddenly began to rush towards the Sichuan Army's position.

This time, Li Longke adopted the tactic of tearing a hole first, and then tearing the other positions horizontally.

The Air Force's key bombing area is here, and this is the frontal position of the Sichuan Army.

One regiment was only about two hundred meters away from the Sichuan Army's position.

Of course, this refers to the straight-line distance between them.

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