In terms of horizontal distance, it is probably only more than a hundred meters.

This is already the closest distance they can reach under the air force's bombing.

This is still them, if it is other infantry divisions, they will not be able to press such a close distance.

When they launched the attack, the air force also began to retreat quickly.

At this time, the Sichuan Army hadn't reacted yet.

After such a long bombing, many people's ears are full of that buzzing sound.

Obviously, the ear is temporarily deaf.

Under such circumstances, the Pingyuan Army rushed to their first stepped position without much effort.

Because the Sichuan Army's positions are all built against the mountains, the basic shape of the trenches can still be seen under the bombing of the Air Force.

Inside the trenches, corpses lay helplessly on the ground.

They were all killed.

There are also many corpses that are very incomplete.

Those who lack arms and legs are still considered good.

Many even corpses were torn to shreds by aerial bombs.

In some places, there were still surviving soldiers, looking at the sky or the front with a little confusion.

When the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army rushed into their trenches, they seemed to react.

"Raise your hands! Surrender without killing, the Pingyuan Army treats prisoners preferentially!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

A voice calling for surrender began to sound.

Those Sichuan troops did not resist any more, and indeed surrendered.

They did not have the will to resist like the Japanese.

Maybe a few years later, when facing the little devils, they dared to wear straw sandals and hold weapons such as old sleeves to attack the Japanese naval guns.

But now, they surrendered.

Under the threat of weapons from the Pingyuan Army, he surrendered.

However, the Sichuan army on the first step surrendered.

The Sichuan army behind also reacted at this time.

Those living Sichuan soldiers began to set up their weapons and shoot.

"Counterattack! Counterattack immediately! Where's the grenadier and mortar? Clear the local fire support points immediately!

General-purpose machine guns immediately suppress enemy firepower, and other troops attack immediately! "

A soldier saw shooting from above, and several of his soldiers fell to the ground because of this.

He immediately started yelling.

Then countless grenadier shells began to fly up.

The infantry also began to charge.

The Sichuan army does have a terrain advantage.

But their weapons are terrible.

Let alone heavy machine guns, there are not even a few light machine guns.

And the firepower is pitifully weak.

Occupy terrain advantage, but no firepower advantage.

A machine gun blocking an intersection does not appear here.

Because they don't have much ammunition, it is impossible to open it up.

The intermittent firepower is really incomparable to the Pingyuan Army.

A regiment of the Pingyuan Army quickly entered the second position of their ladder.

Countless soldiers of the Pingyuan Army rushed into their trenches with weapons in hand.

Then he roared loudly to surrender and not to kill.

Many soldiers surrendered.

But there are also a small number of stubborn resistance, but not many, and they were solved by the Pingyuan Army.

The offense continued and the victories increased.

Li Longke watched the attack of his troops with a telescope.

"Very good! Old Wang, your Fourth Army can attack horizontally from the breakthrough and completely destroy this section of the Sichuan Army's defense line!"

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