Li Longke put down the binoculars and said.

"Well! The second army and the third army have already been prepared.

Your [-]st Army is tearing open, and my [-]th Army is attacking to the left.

The second army will follow you forward, and the third army will attack to the right, completely tearing apart the Sichuan army's defense line! "

Wang Gan nodded.

The Sichuan Army has a geographical advantage, and it stands to reason that the Pingyuan Army's offensive could not be so smooth.

But because the Sichuan Army's weapons and equipment were too poor, many people still held swords and spears.

As a result, countless Sichuan troops fell to the ground, and many Sichuan troops became prisoners of the Pingyuan Army.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the attacks of the four armies of the Pingyuan Army went very smoothly.

The defense line of the [-] Sichuan Army was broken through on the first day, and all the Sichuan Army on the first hill were eaten by the Pingyuan Army.

The same is true for left-wing positions and right-wing positions.

As night fell, the Pingyuan Army was resting on the first hill, ready to attack clearly.

Those Sichuan troops who surrendered were escorted to the rear.

The Pingyuan army rested again, but on the second hill, some Sichuan troops were thinking about surrendering.

"Squad leader, I heard that our brothers on the first mountain were eaten by the Pingyuan army today. What should we do next? I heard that the Pingyuan army is so powerful that even the Japanese are no match for them!"

A thin soldier with a height of about [-] meters, holding an old sleeve, looked at his squad leader and said.

What he held in his squad leader's arms was a Hanyang-made weapon.

For these warlords, Hanyang made a very good gun.

"What can we do? Of course it is to beat the old man! Do you want to surrender, you son of a bitch?"

The squad leader stared at him.

"Squad leader, how can I! I'm just talking!"

The soldier said with a little embarrassment.

After two minutes, he leaned over again and said in a low voice: "Squad leader, I heard that the treatment in the north is very good! Not only can you eat enough every day, but you also have meat to eat every day! I heard that the soldiers over there We need to divide dozens of acres of land!" [North, refers to the Beiping government]

"What do you want to say? Zhuzi, you son of a bitch, don't say such things in the future. Be careful not to be known by the high-ranking people, and drag your baby out to kill him!"

The squad leader glared and shouted in a low voice.

It can be seen that the relationship between these two people should be very good, otherwise the squad leader might have to deal with business.

"Squad leader, I'm not the only one talking about it, many of them are talking about it."

Zhu Zi said a little aggrieved.

"A lot of them? You mean there are many people talking besides you?"

The squad leader frowned.

"Yes! It's just that I don't dare to let the officials above know that I'm old! It's just the little girls below us who will talk about it."

The pillar said in a low voice.

"Then how many people in our class are talking about it?"

"Except you don't know, everyone else is talking!"

Zhu Zi said.

"Go and call them over! I have something to tell them!"

The squad leader thought for a while and said.

"Good! I'll go right away!"

After Zhu Zi finished speaking, he left.

After a while, another ninety people came over.

The weapons in their hands are also varied.

There are big knives and spears, old sleeves, and Hanyang made even the rifling has to be smoothed.

"Sit down here, all of you! Let me ask you, are you Lang Gai who knows about things in the north?"

The squad leader looked at them and said.

"We all listened to other people's stories. Later, it spread among the little ones!"

said a soldier.

"Listen to someone else? Don't bully me!"

"Squad leader, who will bully you! If you don't believe me, just ask the other squad leaders and they will know!

Although it is said that this matter is passed on by our little Mimi, other monitors will definitely know about it. "

"I know it's old! You guys go down! Remember, don't pass it on for the time being!"

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