Pharaoh was so frightened that he quickly turned his head and fired.

"These bastards don't even tell me what they do, I really think I'm just talking too much!"

Zhang Jiasheng kept his cigarette butt on the ground, looking at Pharaoh in the distance with his mouth pursed.


After leaving the cigarette butt on the ground, Zhang Jiasheng, the company commander, called the guards.

"Commander, what's the matter?"

"Go and call the second company commander and the third company commander to come over, just say that I called them something!"


There was a sound of footsteps, and two men in their thirties came over.

"Old Zhang, why is your son calling us?"

"Old Li, come and sit down! How is your company? Those bastards think we don't know! Where are you firing your guns!"

Zhang Jiasheng spoke with a strong Sichuan accent, and I am afraid that only Sichuanese can understand it.

"It's so old! Don't talk about this. Now our company is similar to yours. These bastards also want to go to the north. In our position, the Pingyuan Army is advancing very fast! Old Zhang, you are ready!" My son, when the Pingyuan army comes up, we will surrender!

Damn it, I don't want to play tricks with those bastards.A company commander of Lao Tzu ate bran and wild vegetables.Even dare to eat my military pay.

He also said that you must guard it, and if you can't, you will send Lao Tzu to a military court.

Damn it, I don't keep it anymore, let's see you melon wolves change it! "

Li Deying, the company commander of the second company.

The company commander of the first company is Zhang Jiasheng, the company commander of the second company is Li Deying, and the company commander of the third company is Cao Hongji.

After the first defensive line was breached yesterday, they had the intention of surrendering to the Yuan army.

Now Liu Xiang and the others have established a joint headquarters in Chengdu, and they are still recruiting troops to resist the Pingyuan Army.

But their money is limited. If they want to expand their troops, where will the money come from?

They can only be squeezed out from the previous troops.

It's just that the price they paid for doing this is that the frontline troops and company commanders can no longer eat white rice.

And because they went to the regiment headquarters for a meeting last night.

The newly transferred head actually said that if he could not hold the position, he would be sent to a military court.

The three company commanders immediately became angry.

Psychological orientation, with whom to do it or not?

Instead of eating bran swallowing vegetables here, it is better to go to Pingyuanjun to eat big white noodles.

In this way, after a few of them deliberately spread, plus the indulgence that can be done.

Many of their subordinates wanted to join the Pingyuan Army.

The troops of these warlords had no will to fight in this kind of warlord melee.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a mother if she has milk.

The Pingyuan army is well paid, while the Sichuan army is poorly paid. Ghosts know what to choose.

Moreover, they can live with the Pingyuan Army, but they will die with the Sichuan Army. They still don't know how to choose?

This is why Lao Wang and his squad leader's soldiers fired empty guns, but there was no company commander in charge.

"Okay! That's it! The Pingyuan army is about to fight! Let's all go back to our positions. Surrender later!"

Cao Hongji looked at the two and said.

"it is good!"

The attack on this section of the position went smoothly, and the Pingyuan Army who attacked this section felt that the marksmanship of the Sichuan Army seemed not very good.

And none of them dared to show their heads.

There were empty guns crackling there.

These soldiers didn't think much, just wanted to attack.

But Li Longke and the others in the distance discovered this situation.

Li Longke and the four of them used binoculars to look at the position in this direction as if.

"Did you find out that the position in this direction is very strange. It has been fighting for so long. Our soldiers in this direction have not seen a single one who fell down. And they don't even seem to show their heads. Where to empty the gun!"

Li Longke put down the binoculars and said.

"En! I saw it too. I feel that the Sichuan Army somewhere should surrender. But it seems that not all of them are like this! But no matter what, if they want to surrender, we can use those people, just as we Lack of guides, not very familiar with the terrain of Sichuan."

Wang Gan also put down the binoculars to confirm.

The false resistance of this section of the position finally allowed the Pingyuan Army to successfully attack.

Or it was successfully hit.

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