"Surrender! Boss, we surrender! We surrender!"

As soon as these Pingyuan troops rushed to the Sichuan army's position, those Sichuan troops hiding behind the trenches quickly raised their hands and said.

The cooperation of these Sichuan troops surprised the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army.

There is no doubt about their sincerity in surrender.

Because the guns in their hands were thrown away when the Pingyuan army just rushed up.

He just raised his hands and yelled to surrender, as if he was waiting for this moment.

Now that they surrendered, the Pingyuan Army of the province took action and directly sent people to escort them to the bottom.

Meanwhile other troops continued to attack.

As for the weapons and ammunition on the ground, let's talk about it after the battle is over!

Besides, they don't like these weapons and ammunition!

And the next second stepped position and the third stepped position are like this.

It turned out that it wasn't just Zhang Jiasheng's battalion that was like this, in fact, quite a few had this idea.

No way, who made the gap too big?

The next Pingyuan army attacked very quickly.

Pairs of captives were lining up to go down the mountain.

Chapter 193: Meeting Jin Shuren 【Part [-]】

Quite a few of the Sichuan army surrendered. The warlords in Sichuan did not treat their soldiers in their hometowns well enough. In addition, only middle and high-level officers in the warlord army could eat white rice, and the lower-level officers could only eat with the soldiers. Bran pharynx.

Even low-level officers were scolded by mid-level and high-level officers, and they would be court-martialed if they were beaten badly.

In fact, these are just okay, and the most critical thing is the issue of military pay.

Now with the peace and distance army fighting, Liu Xiang and the others are thinking about constantly expanding their troops.

There is only so much money, but to expand the army, the current army treatment or military salary can only be paid a little less, otherwise there is no way.

With less military pay, those middle and high-level military officers must not want their own military pay to be less, and they usually have the habit of eating empty pay and drinking blood from soldiers.

This time the military pay is reduced, and the middle and high-level officers have a lot of money, so the money of the soldiers and low-level officers will be greatly reduced.

That's why the company commanders wanted to surrender, and the battalion commanders turned a blind eye.

As for the head!

The regiment leaders are all staying in the headquarters.

Commanding the outer positions were officers such as battalion commanders and company commanders.

"Boss, I heard that your Pingyuan army eats meat every day! Is this true? Did your Marshal Han really distribute tens of acres of land to each of your families?"

Lao Wang, the former squad leader of the Sichuan Army, has become a prisoner at this time.

But on the way down the mountain, he looked at the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army escorting him and the others beside him, and couldn't help asking.

"Why are you asking so many questions? It's up to you!"

The soldiers of the Pingyuan Army gave him a faint look, and a look of disgust flashed in their eyes.

Many human soldiers of the Pingyuan Army have an essential dislike for the soldiers of these warlord troops.

Because the soldiers of the warlord's army before did some things that robbed the people and the fish and meat village.

"Boss! I want to join the Pingyuan Army, this, do you think I can do it?"

This old king is really familiar enough.

Not long after the surrender here, they are actually saying that they want to join the Pingyuan Army.

"Do you want to join the Pingyuan Army? Let's talk about when you are qualified! Besides, not everyone in our Pingyuan Army accepts it!"

The soldier pouted.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Lao Wang also knew what the other party meant.

I'm afraid it's someone who doesn't like this kind of surrender.

"Aren't we being forced to do nothing? Those officials are so inhumane. They eat white rice, and we can only eat bran-soaked vegetables, often with sand in the rice!"

Old Wang said with a look of righteous indignation.

"Do you know what the first article of our Pingyuan Army's infantry drill code is?"

The Pingyuan Army soldier sneered softly.

"What is it?"

"Leave the last bullet to yourself!"

After the Pingyuan Army soldier finished speaking, he stopped talking.

But Lao Wang was stunned when he heard it.

"Save the bullet for yourself at the last moment?"

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