"Master! How are you going to deal with it now?"

Jiang Baili got up and looked at Han Lingdao with a serious face.

He knew that at this time, only the use of war could solve the problem.

In the prosperous age, there were [-] Soviet Russian reinforcements, and there was no one in Huijiang who could resist.

"How to solve it? Hmph! Lord Zhan Ning, how is the formation of our mechanized infantry division?"

Han Ling turned around and asked.

"It has just been pulled up, and their training has not yet been completed! But we have formed five tank divisions.

In addition, in the air force, our air force division has expanded to eleven.

The bombing group had grown to nine.

The heavy bombing brigade has also formed four!

The other infantry divisions have been reorganized! "

Jiang Baili looked at Han Ling and said with a serious face.

"Is it ready?"

A gloomy look flashed across Hanlin's face, and then he fell into deep thought.

A few minutes later, he raised his head and asked, "Have the First Army broken through the fifth defensive line of the Sichuan Army?"

"Not yet! But according to the news from the front line, they will be able to break through the fifth defensive line of the Sichuan Army today!"

"Very good! Let's go! Go to the command hall!"

Military command hall

"Everyone, I believe you all know the person next to me, he is Jin Shuren, Chairman of Huijiang Province who came from Huijiang a few days ago.

Last night, Chairman Jin Shuren decided to vote for our Peking government and accept its leadership.

This morning, Chairman Jin Shuren sent a telegram to the Huijiang government, asking them to send a telegram to the outside world at [-]:[-] noon today, announcing that the Huijiang government accepted the leadership of the Beiping government.

But just now, I got information.Sheng Shicai, the chief instructor of the Huijiang Military Academy and the commander-in-chief of the East Route Army, colluded with the Soviet Union and opposed the incorporation of Huijiang into the Chinese territory.

At this time, he had already invited the Central Asian Military Region of Soviet Russia and asked them to send troops.

Now according to the information we have received, Soviet Russia has dispatched three divisions, with [-] troops marching towards Tacheng.

It is expected to enter Tacheng this afternoon.

Faced with such a situation, I decided to use force to regain Xinjiang.

Everyone, are you ready? "

Han Ling looked at the generals in the military department and said.

"Master! Please give the order!"

Now everyone here understands what is going on. It turns out that there is a shadow of a traitor and Soviet Russia.

In this case, of course, there is only a fight.

"Very good! Now I decide!"


The generals below immediately stood up and looked at Han Ling with burning eyes.

"Now I have decided that the first army, the second army, the third army, and the fourth army will immediately stop fighting against the Sichuan Army. These four armies will immediately withdraw from the battlefield and go to Qinghai Xining for repairs. The lack of troops will be supplemented by the local garrison area !

At the same time, the Fifth Army and the Sixth Army immediately went to Xining, preparing to join forces with these four armies.

The battles in Guangyuan and other places in Sichuan were carried out by six infantry divisions in Ankang and Hanzhong.

Let them immediately take over their positions from the First Army and launch an attack on the Sichuan Army.

In addition, the First Tank Division, the Second Tank Division, the Third Tank Division, the Fourth Tank Division, and the Fifth Tank Division immediately went to Xining to meet with them.

Then order the fifth heavy artillery division, the sixth heavy artillery division, the seventh heavy artillery division, the eighth heavy artillery division, the first air division, the second air division, the third air division, the fourth air division, the fifth air division, the sixth air division, the seventh air division, and six dive bombers. Brigade, all brigades of heavy bombers immediately took off for Xining.

Then order the Xining Garrison District to immediately build a large field airport, ready to be used by the Air Force for transition.

In addition, the Army will deploy the Fourth Infantry Division, the Fifth Infantry Division, the Sixth Infantry Division, the Seventh Infantry Division, the Eighth Infantry Division, and the Ninth Infantry Division to Xining. "

After Han Ling finished speaking, he glanced at the others and continued: "I don't want to fight this battle, but since others bully my Huaxia's doorstep and their military boots set foot on my Huaxia's land, don't blame me, Han Ling." Someone is being rude.

Six armies, twelve infantry divisions, plus six infantry divisions from the fourth infantry division to the ninth infantry division, in addition to the ten infantry divisions previously transferred to Xining.

A total of [-] infantry divisions, eight heavy artillery divisions, seven air force divisions, six dive bombing brigades, four heavy bombing brigades, and five tank divisions. [From the First Army to the Fourth Army, each army also has a heavy artillery division, plus eight heavy artillery divisions behind it]

All the troops add up to more than [-] troops!I named this operation Counterattack Operation!

Remember our slogan: Those who commit crimes against China will be punished even if they are far away!

In this campaign, I don't ask you how much land you can occupy, I only have one request. "

When Han Ling said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Kill the old man! Keep killing the old man! I want to hear in the battle report how many people the old man died, and how many lands I don't want to occupy! Do you understand?"

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