"Don't worry, Marshal! I'll understand later!"

"Very good! Immediately convey my order, and let the Minister of Foreign Affairs come to see me immediately!"

Chapter 200: War Conspiracy

Shi Zhaoji, the first Chinese student to receive a master's degree from the United States, was born in 1877.

He once attended the Paris Peace Conference with Lu Zhengxiang, and refused to sign at the Paris Peace Conference as a representative of China.

After returning to China, he had a brief experience as the acting foreign minister.

Since then, he has been serving as a minister abroad.

In 1929, he served as Minister to Britain.

In 1931, Han Ling offered him an olive branch in the name of the Peking government.

Then he agreed to Han Ling's solicitation and was recalled to China.

After being recalled to China, Han Ling appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs.

until now.

Shi Zhaoji was a diplomat and a well-known diplomat during the Republic of China.

He has always been loyal to the Beiyang government.

Later, he pledged allegiance to Marshal Zhang.

Zhang Dashuai was loyal to Zhang Hanqing after his death.

Later, after Zhang Hanqing changed his flag, he was forced to be loyal to the Nanjing government.

When both the Beiping government and the Nanjing government offered him olive branches.

He chose the Peking government.

For him, the Peking government, these four words have a special feeling, so he chose the Peking government.

Today, he was summoned by the marshal, and it is said that he has something important to do.

Standing in Han Ling's office, he was waiting for Han Ling's arrival.

After a while, Han Ling came.

This time, Han Ling walked in wearing the military uniform of the commander-in-chief again.

In normal times, Han Ling would only wear military uniforms except on certain occasions.

Generally wearing a military uniform means that there is business.

"Big guy!"

Seeing Han Ling walking in, Shi Zhaoji called out.

"En! Zhizhi, please read this document first, and I will tell you after reading it!"

Han Ling didn't say anything at first, but handed a document to Shi Zhaoji.

Shi Zhaoji finished reading it after a while.

"Master! What do you want me to do?"

"Zhizhi, it's [-]:[-] noon, wait around [-]:[-], I want you to send a telegram to the Soviet Russian government immediately, asking their troops to withdraw from the Chinese territory immediately, otherwise the Beiping government doesn't mind using force!"

"Understood! Leave it to me!"


At [-]:[-] p.m. on August [-], [-], the Peking government submitted a letter of protest to Ivanov, the minister of the Soviet Russian government in Peiping, demanding that their Soviet troops immediately withdraw from the Chinese territory, otherwise the Pingyuan army would be killed. Take coercive measures!

Facing the letter of protest submitted by the Peking government, Ivanov was blindsided.

Because he didn't even know about it.The Central Asian Military Region sent three infantry divisions with [-] troops. This was something the Central Asian Military Region did on its own initiative, and Moscow was notified later.

But Moscow has not informed Ivanov now, because they look down on Huaxia from the bottom of their hearts.

Don't you think it's sending troops into your country?It's no big deal.

However, although Ivanov didn't know about it, he still said very stubbornly on the spot: It is not up to the Peking government to blame the Soviet Russian army.

And claimed that if you want to threaten Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia will not be afraid of any threats.

After Ivanov said this, he went back and sent a telegram to the country, asking what was going on.

After a while Ivanov understood what was going on.

It turned out that the Central Asian Military Region had made its own decision and sent three infantry divisions into Xinjiang.

Ivanov didn't say anything when he found out.

In his opinion, it means entering Huijiang!

If he entered India, then he must pay attention to it, but Ivanov did not care about entering Huaxia Huijiang.

It's a pity that he didn't know, because of their indifference, Han Ling felt deeply humiliated.

"Has Ivanov not answered yet?"

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