At this moment in Han Ling's office, he had a gloomy face all the time.

Opposite him are Foreign Minister Shi Zhaoji and Secretary Fang Tu.

"not yet!"

"En! Don't worry about this. Zijin, after you go down, you must transfer all kinds of military supplies to the front line as soon as possible!

We will fight this battle no matter what.

Sending the report now is just to confuse the Soviet Russians! "

Regarding the question of whether to fight this battle, it must be fought no matter what.

Not fighting is not enough to anger the people, not fighting is not enough to boost the country's prestige.

So this battle, Han Ling is settled.

Xiyuan Army Command Hall, Forbidden City, Beiping

"Everyone, now our various troops have begun to fully mobilize.

Various military supplies have also begun to be transferred to the Xining area.

But now the hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line still lack a commander. After my research and decision, I decided to transfer Chief of Operations Liu Klonn to the front line to serve as the former commander and be promoted to the rank of general.

In addition, Li Longke, the commander of the First Army, and Wang Gan, the commander of the Fourth Army, served as deputy commanders to assist Liu Klonn in commanding the troops! "


Of course, such a large-scale mobilization of troops by the Peking government cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

For a while, many people were speculating on what to do with such a large-scale mobilization of troops in Peiping.

Then a message spread like wildfire.

That is, the Soviet Union interfered in the unification of China, and openly sent troops into the Huijiang area at the invitation of the traitor Sheng Shicai.

This matter immediately caused an uproar in Huaxia.

Countless newspapers began to scold the Soviet Russian government, and a certain force in Jiangxi suddenly became a street mouse, and everyone scolded it.

In this case, a newspaper under the control of the Peking government disclosed the news.

The Soviet Russian government did not respond to the protest submitted by the Peiping government, which seemed to be acquiescing to the actions of the Soviet Russian Central Asian Military Region.

Under such circumstances, Han Ling decided to use the army to solve all problems.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from the Beiping government began to gather in Qinghai. It seemed that they were going to attack Soviet Russia from Huijiang.

Moscow responded quickly to the incident.

Claiming that the Peking government provoked first, if a war is to be launched, they will accompany them to the end.

So Moscow also began to increase its troops for the Central Asian Military Region.

The Central Asian Military Region of the Soviet Union was an internal army region. Originally, the combat quality of the soldiers here was relatively poor, and the soldiers inside were mainly reserve soldiers.

This military region is mainly the reserve force military region of Soviet Russia.

And there are not many troops, only about [-] people.

Under the circumstances of the imminent war, Moscow began to deploy a total of [-] troops from the Ukrainian Military District and the Belarusian Military District to the Central Asian Military District.

A result that since you want to fight, then fight.

Han Ling Office, Xiyuan, Forbidden City, Beiping

"Report! The seventh telegram!"

"Bring it in!"


A major walked in and handed a telegram to Han Ling.

After Han Ling read the telegram for a while, a smile appeared on his face.

"Come on, go and call the chief of staff, the two deputy commanders, and the chief of operations!"


A voice came from outside.

After a while there was the sound of footsteps.

"Master! Do you have anything to do with us?"

Jiang Baili walked in and asked.

"You guys read this telegram first!"

Han Ling handed a telegram to Jiang Baili.

They looked at the telegram while looking for a place to sit.

"The old man took the bait! They mobilized [-] troops to the Central Asian military region!"

Jiang Baili raised his eyebrows.

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