"I need you to immediately carry out a large-scale airlift of supplies in the direction of Ulan-Ude.

Various military supplies were airlifted from Irkutsk to Ulan-Ude.

Where to load the train for delivery to Vladivostok!

This time the Chinese did a good deed for us, so we can't send him flowers and cheese, we can only send him death!Hope they are happy! "

Although this section of the railway was bombed, the bearded man still did not change his mind of revenge.

For a bearded man with a narrow mind and a narrow mind.

This is simply provoking him openly!

Do you think he can not take revenge?

"Yes! I understand! Comrade Starling!"

"En! If you understand, hurry up and implement it! In addition, you can transfer seven air divisions to the east. I heard that the Huaxia people have a large air force!"


At this time, the mustache has not yet come to power, and Germany has not yet threatened Soviet Russia.

Therefore, Big Beard can safely mobilize troops to the east on a large scale.

Even the Air Force can dispatch thousands of them.

But what the bearded man didn't know was that when he gave Novikov the order, there were countless dark mosquitoes standing on the beam.

After their conversation was over, a mosquito flew away quietly.

No one knows where he flew to.

Moscow is brightly lit.

But Peiping began to slowly fall into darkness.

At this time Han Ling had already returned to his home.

"Is the meal ready?"

Han Ling yelled as soon as he went.

After a busy afternoon this afternoon, my stomach is really hungry!

"I've already prepared it and waited for you. I don't know if I'll come back sooner!"

Yasiqi rolled his eyes at him and said.

That glance made Han Ling feel a little hot in his stomach.

"No way! There are too many things!"

While talking, Han Ling walked over and hugged her from behind.

"What are you doing! There are so many servants outside!"

"What do you think I can do? This is the old couple's business!"

Han Ling said casually.

"Big guy!"

Zhou Xiyun walked in from the outside, seeing Han Ling hugging Yasiqi, her face turned red.

Although she has been through countless times, it seems that she still can't let go.

"Everyone has a share! Everyone has a share!"

Han Ling freed up one hand to hold Zhou Xiyun in his arms!

"Are you still eating or not? If you don't eat, I don't care about you!"

Yasiqi pursed her lips.

"Eat! Why don't you eat! Only after eating will you have the strength to work!"


When the meal was over and Han Ling was about to have another bed and two beauties, the controller on Yasiqi's wrist flickered uncontrollably.

Then a small shock spread to Yasiqi's handwriting.

Coincidentally, Han Ling also saw it.

"Xiyun! You go take a shower first, and wait for me later!"

Han Ling patted Zhou Xiyun and said.

In a word, Zhou Xiyun fled in despair.

"Let's go! Go to my study!"

After Zhou Xiyun left, Han Ling and Ya Siqi walked towards his study.

"There is a message from Moscow!"

Ya Siqi said after tapping the controller in her hand a few times.

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