"what news?"

"The bearded man is going to transport a large amount of military supplies to Ulan-Ude by air, and then depart from Ulan-Ude to Vladivostok by train!"

Yasiqi said seriously.

"Airlift? A large amount of supplies? The bearded man's head hasn't twitched? If he wants to transport military supplies to start a war, when will this airlift be delivered?"

The corner of Han Ling's mouth twitched. Could it be that the bearded man was confused by anger?

Chapter 203: Troop Arrangement

"If a large number of transport planes are mobilized for such a short-distance transportation, the speed is still very fast!

And this is just the way it is now. Don’t forget that the main gap between them is Lake Baikal. They are now transporting by air, and later they can use transport ships to transport them across Lake Baikal to Babushkin. The Trans-Siberian Railway is in use again! "

Ya Siqi looked at Han Ling and said.

"No! They can't use this method! Now our troops are rushing to Ulan-Ude.

They cannot cross Lake Baikal with transport ships.Next if they do airlift with transport planes.Then we'll have something to play with! "

A mysterious smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

On September [-], [-], the Soviet Russian government lodged a protest with the Peking government, demanding a reasonable explanation for the bombing of the railway from Baikalsk to Irkutsk.Otherwise they will come to seek justice in person.

Later, the Beiping government generously admitted that this section of the railway was bombed by me.

As for the reason for the frying, it is just to teach you a little lesson.

Who told you to meddle in China's internal affairs some time ago, openly sending troops into Huijiang, and ignoring the protests from the Peking government?

People say that retribution is not good.

Isn't the Soviet Russian government so proud?

You sent troops into my Huaxia territory and ignored me.

That's fine!

If you dare to send troops into Huijiang and meddle in China's internal affairs, I will dare to blow up your big railway and make you lose control of the East.

With the back and forth between the two sides, the battle was evened out.

But not long after the Peiping government said this, the Soviet Russian government said it again.

Said that Sheng Shicai, chairman of Huijiang, invited them to enter.

It is for China to suppress the rebellion. Your Beiping government should not retaliate against us, but should thank us.

And in order to thank you, you should pay us a sum of military expenses and compensate for the loss of the railway.

When Han Ling received the news, he was furious.

If Jiang Baili hadn't stopped him, Han Ling would have sent heavy bombers to bomb the cities along the Siberian Railway immediately.

However, after Han Ling calmed down his anger, he asked the Beiping government to generate electricity.

The position of Sheng Shicai's return to Xinjiang chairman is not recognized, because this has not been recognized by the Beiping government.

It is recognized that Jin Shuren is the chairman of Huijiang.

Sheng Shicai's position as chairman of Xinjiang was not recognized by anyone.

As for the fact that Sheng Shicai proclaimed himself the chairman of Huijiang, it was indeed not recognized by anyone.

None of them, including the Nanjing government, recognized Sheng Shicai's status.

Although the Nanjing government and the Beiping government belong to hostile forces.

Both sides can't wait to eat each other's meat.

However, Han Ling and the chairman were surprisingly unanimous in the face of the country's righteousness. They did not recognize Sheng Shicai's status as the chairman of Xinjiang.

Although history says that the chairman is not good in one way or another.

But it is undeniable that the chairman also has a big picture, and he is also a patriotic person.

He also heard a little about Sheng Shicai's collusion with the Soviet Union.

He also hated this kind of person, so he resolutely refused to recognize Sheng Shicai's status.

The minister of the Soviet Russian government in Nanjing once secretly met with the chairman of the committee and threatened him, asking him to recognize Sheng Shicai's status as the ruler in Huijiang.

But the chairman was also very angry at the time.

One sentence: China's internal affairs did not need the Soviet Russian government to care about it, so he was sent away.

The telegram from the Peking government silenced the Soviet government for two days.

However, two days later, the Soviet Russian government generated electricity again.

It is claimed that Jin Shuren was in Beiping at the time, and Sheng Shicai had a high status and great reputation in Huijiang.

At the request of people from all walks of life in Huijiang, Sheng Shicai was promoted as acting chairman of Huijiang.

This is the will of the people and cannot be defied!

After this telegram was sent out, it showed the shamelessness of the Soviet Russian government.

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