However, the logistics department also prepared enough weapons and ammunition for four months of combat according to the maximum consumption!totally sufficient.

As for the cotton clothes, we have all prepared!The soldiers will not be frozen in the following winter! "

Zhang Hanqing said confidently.

During this period of time, more than two hundred airships transported various logistics materials day and night.

Especially the type 29 airship, not only is it much faster.

Even the load capacity is much higher.

Load capacity of one hundred tons at a time.

This load is simply terrifying.

As for the previous airship, although it was much worse than the Type 29 airship, that was only relative.

As far as his sixty-ton load is concerned, it is also terrifying.

More than two hundred airships transport various supplies day and night.

How much material do you need to hoard?

This is why the Beiping government was able to mobilize so many supplies in Siberia in such a short period of time.

It is because of the terrifying aircraft like the airship.

Not even trains can compare to him.

"Well! What about fuel? After winter comes, antifreeze fuel must be used! Otherwise, our vehicles, planes, and tanks will not be able to start. This is not good news for us!"

Han Ling nodded and asked again.

"Hehe! Commander! Don't worry! The fuel is also ready.

And it is still transporting various materials, so there is no need to worry about the lack of logistical supplies for the Siberian Front Army!

According to your instruction, Commander-in-Chief, the logistics department calculates everything according to the maximum value. "

Zhang Hanqing laughed.

Now with the development of the Peking government for a year.

The effect on finances and people's livelihood may not have that kind of shocking reversal.

But in the military, Zhang Hanqing was really shocked by Han Ling.

Every day, a large amount of weapons and ammunition are pulled out of the industrial base in Baotou.

As for the national military industries headed by Qihang Company, they still have to produce a large amount of military supplies every month.

And in the Northeast, the Fengtian Arsenal established by his father.

Also under Han Ling's intentional expansion, the current output is also very astonishing.

It can be said that maybe the current heavy artillery, aircraft, tanks and other things are equipped with troops as soon as they are produced, and there is nothing left of these weapons.

But ammunition for various guns, artillery shells, general-purpose machine guns, heavy machine guns, and semi-automatic rifles.

That's just too much to use up.

Especially ammunition.

After the reorganization of the whole army, Han Ling specially built more than [-] large underground weapon warehouses around Beiping.

A large amount of ammunition is stored in these weapon warehouses.

As for the amount of ammunition, Zhang Hanqing dared to swear that he had never seen such a large amount of ammunition.

"En! So the supplies for the Siberian Front are ready. What about the Far East Front?"

Han Ling asked again.

"I am in charge of the material reserves of the Far East Front Army. Although there are only dozens of airships used in the delivery of logistics supplies for the Far East Front Army.

But because of the short distance here, and the trains are constantly transporting.

Therefore, the various materials of the Far East Front Army are also completely sufficient, so there is no need to worry about not enough.

And the Far East Front Army is in the northeast, even in winter, we can carry out large-scale material delivery.

The Far Eastern Front is no better than the Siberian Front.

Once heavy snow falls in winter, the airship cannot be lifted into the air for transportation, and the car will also be unable to drive.

The Far Eastern Front Army can still be transported by train in winter, so please rest assured, Commander! "

Huang Kelin stood up and laughed.

"Well! If that's the case, then I'm relieved!"

Han Ling nodded.

"Mr. Zhan Ning, see if there is anything else you want to add!"

Han Ling turned his head and looked at Jiang Bailidao who was sitting first on his left.

No one dared to sit in this position, after all, Jiang Baili had too much influence in the Chinese military circle.

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