"Huh? Now all the troops have assembled, and all the military supplies have been prepared. I think we can start fighting.

It would be better for us to let the war end before the full winter.

Now we are in a process of rapid development. If we fall into a protracted war, it will be detrimental to our future development! "

Jiang Baili thought for a while and said.

"Well! Don't worry! I've thought of that too!"

After Han Ling finished speaking, he turned to look at the crowd and said, "Everyone! This battle is very important. It is not only the battle of our name rectification, but also the battle of China's rise.

We've been through a lot since 1840.

However, our Pingyuan Army has endured a lot from two years ago to the present, and only then has the current Beiping government and the current rule by the river.

Therefore, I ask you to do your best to assist the frontline troops in combat, and you must defeat Soviet Russia!

Newspapers across the country are watching us now, waiting for news of our victory. Don't let them down, don't let our people down! "

"We will make up our minds to sacrifice everything and wage an all-out war with Soviet Russia! The country is here, and the country is dead!"

Siberia, Ulan-Ude, Siberian Front Command

It is now the headquarters of the Siberian Front.

The headquarters did not fully use those buildings in the city.

Instead, build an underground command room in one of the nice houses.

About ten meters underground.

Even the heavy artillery used by the Soviet Russian government could not cause substantial casualties to the headquarters.

"Commander, this is a telegram from the military department!"

Deputy Commander Gu Zhutong handed a telegram to Liu Klon.

To be honest, Gu Zhutong really didn't feel comfortable working under Liu Klon.

Because of Liu Klon's stern face and that often serious expression.

It's really hard to relax.

On the other hand, Liu Klon is an old man in the Pingyuan Army.

Following Han Ling in the South and North Wars, he has experienced countless battles.

He has a high prestige in the Pingyuan Army.


Liu Klonn didn't say anything unnecessary, but took the telegram and read it.

After half a minute, he put down the telegram and said, "Staff, record the order!"

"Order the six armies to go to Baikalsk immediately, and all must arrive before noon the day after tomorrow.

At the same time, the five tank divisions in Baikalsk are also ready to attack!

At the same time, four heavy bombing brigades, two dive bombing brigades, and four air divisions were ordered to prepare for the transition.

Before [-]:[-] pm tomorrow, all the above air force units must transfer.

In addition, contact the airship transportation force and ask them to transport our various materials there to prepare for the war. "

"Yes! I'll convey it right away!"

Luo Zhuoying, the deputy commander, delivered the order in person.

In this battle, the emphasis is on infantry-tank coordination, air-tank coordination, and artillery-tank coordination.

It can be said to be a diversified coordinated operation.

Coordinated operations of the four arms of the air force, armored forces, infantry, and artillery.

Gu Zhutong and Luo Zhuoying had never heard of this combat mode, let alone experienced it before.

To participate in such a battle this time is a great improvement for their capabilities.

In fact, this is why Han Ling allocated the two of them to Liu Klon as his deputy.

For Liu Klonn, who was born as a clone, in fact, he doesn't need two assistants, he can handle it all by himself.

But having two assistants is mainly for them to learn.

Both of them have the ability to command a large army to fight, but they still lack training.

At five o'clock in the morning on September [-], [-].

It was not yet dawn at this time, but the underground command room of the Siberian Front in Ulan-Ude was already brightly lit.

In the conference room, a group of senior generals stood there, waiting for Liu Klon's arrival.

As surrendered generals, Gu Zhutong and Luo Zhuoying came very early, and they didn't want to leave a bad impression on Liu Klon, the famous general of the Pingyuan Army.

After a while, with the sound of footsteps, Liu Klon, wearing a general uniform and carrying the rank of general on his shoulders, appeared in everyone's eyes.

"I believe that you have all received my telegram. This morning, we will launch the first wave of offensive like the Soviet army.

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