Of the [-] million troops of the Soviet army this time, only [-] troops have reached the front line, and there are still [-] troops on the way, but according to our information, they will arrive within the next week.

According to the commander-in-chief's knowledge and instructions, we must take the lead in attacking."

At the beginning, Liu Klonn briefly explained the situation before getting to the point.

"The commander of the [-] Soviet army on the opposite side is named Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, and he is a cavalry general of the Soviet army.

But this time, he was transferred to the East by the General Staff of the Soviet Army to command the [-] million troops.

Now the Soviet army has gathered [-] troops in Slyudyanka like squeezing toothpaste.

And this time our combat purpose is to eat up their [-] troops and push the front line to Sherekhov.Then eat at least half of their [-] troops in Irkutsk before their remaining [-] troops arrive!This is our first phase of the battle plan, do you all understand? "


"Very good! If this is the case, then I will issue a combat order!"

Chapter 206: Land and Air Coordinated Operations

"It is now [-]:[-] in the morning, forty minutes later from the [-]st Heavy Artillery Division to the [-]th Heavy Artillery Division, these four heavy artillery divisions bombarded the enemy positions.

The first attack wave in the air consisted of four heavy bombardment groups.

Simultaneously bombard enemy positions with four heavy artillery divisions.

When the first wave of bombing by the Air Force ended, the First Heavy Artillery Division immediately stopped shelling. From the Fifth Heavy Artillery Division to the Eighth Heavy Artillery Division, the four heavy artillery divisions began to extend their shelling.

At the same time, the second wave of attacks in the air was carried out by four dive-bombing brigades, conducting tactical bombing on the Soviet positions and pulling out the remaining enemy troops on the Soviet positions.

After the second wave of dive bombers in the air dropped all the bombs on the plane, the Fifth to Eighth Heavy Artillery Divisions immediately stopped shelling.

At the same time, the First Heavy Artillery Division and the Second Heavy Artillery Division began to continue shelling the forefront positions of the Soviet Army, and the Third Heavy Artillery Division and the Fourth Heavy Artillery Division extended their shelling to block the Soviet reinforcements.

When the Air Force launched the second wave of attacks, five tank divisions plus the First Army, Second Army, and Third Army formed three attack waves, and they pressed towards the Soviet positions respectively, as close as they could. close!

After the third round of shelling began, five tank divisions and three infantry corps began to charge the Soviet positions!At the same time, the remaining two bombing brigades immediately took off to cover the attack of the ground forces!Do you all understand? "


The officer below yelled.

"Okay! Let's all go back to the troops! Wait for the final moment of attack!"

A group of generals returned to their troops in an airship, and the sky began to gradually brighten.

On the positions of several heavy artillery divisions on the front line.

A group of artillerymen are undergoing the final intense inspection.

At [-]:[-], all the officers and soldiers of the Heavy Artillery Division were ready, waiting for the last five minutes.

At six o'clock, the commanders of each heavy artillery division waved the small red flag.

A series of heavy cannons began to roar. They were like angry lions, as if they wanted to vent all the humiliation and humiliation of China this century.

Heavy artillery shells slammed into the Soviet positions with a whistling sound.

As the heavy artillery shells fell one after another, a group of people on the Soviet army's position suddenly turned upside down.

The Soviet army is undoubtedly proud.

They never put Huaxia in their eyes.

In their hearts, Chinese people are not worth mentioning.

This time I came to the East to fight, but I didn't come to fight.That's for free travel.

They may be thinking in their hearts: Does China have an army?Is it still the group of two-handed soldiers with big knives and spears and bongs pinned to their waists?

right!That's what they think.

And it is precisely because of this contemptuous, arrogant idea.

let them lose their lives.

Proud of them, they didn't think that the Pingyuan Army dared to launch an attack on them. They always thought that even if they launched an attack, they would definitely be on their side.

So when they built their own positions, they also began to repair casually.

Anti-Bunker Hole!No!

Ring fortifications!No!

Serious vigilance should be taken!No!

Nothing at all.

At the moment before the heavy artillery division shelled, many soldiers were still asleep.

They dreamed that they were carrying Mosin Nagant rifles, marching neatly across Siberia, across Mongolia, and stepped into the land of China.

They held a grand military parade in Beiping just like their predecessors decades ago.

They imagined that they rushed into the homes of those Chinese people and robbed them unscrupulously.

They dreamed of entering Peiping without the slightest threat, and began to vent their desires frantically.

They dreamed that they were on the military column returning home, and a group of comrades in arms were showing off their trophies to each other.

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