Imagine the flowers and fine wine that greet you after returning home.

And just as they were imagining all this in their dreams, the nightmare came.

Four heavy artillery divisions, eight or nine hundred heavy artillery pieces began to roar.

Many Soviet Russian soldiers lost consciousness forever before they understood what was going on.

And the good thing in the dream just a moment ago can really only become a dream forever.

After the first round of shelling, some Soviet soldiers suddenly reacted.

They were attacked by the Pingyuan Army.

They are being bombarded by the Pingyuan Army.

And listen to this sound, this is a heavy artillery!

This is an absolute heavy artillery, and only heavy artillery has such power.

Countless Soviet soldiers began to run crazily in their naked clothes.

They know the power of heavy artillery, and they know what will happen if they are hit by heavy artillery.

This Soviet army has not yet suffered a major purge, and the officers in the army are all experienced officers.

They want to control the troops and not let the troops go on like this.

It's just that this is just their personal wishful thinking.

Under such heavy artillery bombardment, can those soldiers still listen to them?

It was just waking up, or even still asleep.

My head is in a daze, how can I listen to you?

So the Soviet army's position was full of Soviet troops scurrying everywhere.

And the result is to hasten their death.

But it's not over yet.

A few minutes after the heavy artillery division bombed, four heavy bombing brigades and three hundred heavy bombers suddenly popped out of the clouds above the sky.

A heavy bomber carried twelve tons of aerial bombs.

One hundred is [-] tons.

Three hundred, [-] tons of aerial bombs.

Enough for the old man to drink a pot.

"This is the command plane of the Z Bombing First Brigade! We will arrive at the designated location in two minutes, please prepare for bombing!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

Two minutes later, heavy bombers arrived over the Soviet positions.

Facing the already chaotic Soviet positions, the corners of the pilots' mouths of the heavy bombers raised an arc.

Then began to lower the altitude, and when the altitude dropped to about [-] meters, the magazine door began to open.

One after another aerial bombs began to fall.

Three hundred bombers dropped bombs like dumplings. What kind of feeling does this have?

I am afraid that only those who have experienced it will know.

The Soviet soldiers who were running around suddenly discovered that bombs had been dropped in the world.

The density of these bombs is like raining bombs.

They kept falling, and kept falling on the Soviet positions.

Facing the bombing of the heavy artillery division, facing the bombing of heavy bombers.

Even if the current Soviet army is not the Soviet army after the purge in three or three years, their hearts should start to collapse.

Those officers could no longer hold their ground.

They could only watch in despair as their soldiers fell to the ground.

Carpet bombing is a concept that has just been proposed in today's world.

Nobody in the world knows this concept yet.

What do they know?

It's cover bombing.

This is no longer something ordinary countries can play.

The carpet bombing, which comes from the air force and uses heavy bombers, is more violent than the covering bombing of artillery.

They are more accurate than artillery.

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