

"Car designer!"


"32 years old!"

Wang Liangmin sat in front and began to record these things himself.

After asking, it turned out this James' job application profile.

After taking a brief look for about half a minute, he asked, "If you are going to work in Huaxia, are you willing to go?"

Wang Liangmin looked at the unshaven James and asked.

"Yes! I am willing to go!"

James didn't even think about it, so he said it directly.

As for not wanting to leave the United States!

oh!Mai Gao!

Now I can't even get enough to eat, so why bother?Let's fill up our stomachs first!

After James found a little bread from a garbage dump last night, he ate it.

By now, it was already noon the next day.

He didn't eat anything at all.

Of course, water doesn't count!

His stomach is already very hungry!

He felt as if he was going to die if he didn't eat any more.

Now I have finally found a job that can solve my livelihood problems, why not go?

Isn't it Huaxia?

What could be better than keeping yourself alive?

"Mr. James! Congratulations! You have been accepted by our sailing company! With this ticket, you can stay at Will Hotel for free, and they will provide you with food, water and accommodation for free! It has been reported by our sailing company !"

Wang Liangmin handed James a receipt and said with a smile.

"Did I really find a job? Did you hire me?"

James seemed a little excited.

He hasn't had that feeling of finding a job for a long time.

During this time, he never had enough to eat.And now, there is actually free food and water.

"Of course!"

"Then sir, can I bring my wife and daughter there? We are a family!"

James couldn't help asking nervously when he thought of the wife who never left him.

"You still have family?"

Wang Liangmin asked in surprise.

"Yes! My wife and my daughter!"

"Of course! I believe that no one can separate your family! But I need to change a room for you! This ticket is for multiple rooms!"

Wang Liangmin took the receipt from James, changed to a standard room, and then handed it to him.

"Go! Take your family to Will Hotel, and the staff inside will arrange it for you!"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, sir!"

Chapter 213: Giant Cannon Attack

The recruitment of Wang Liangmin in New York, USA can be said to be extremely smooth.

Almost everyone agrees to work in Huaxia.

The reason is very simple, no matter how much you can't bear to part with your hometown, but when you are about to starve to death.

These problems are no longer a problem.

Between survival and nostalgia, people naturally choose to survive.

Wang Liangmin was having a great time recruiting people, while Ling Yu was grinning beside him.

The American people have a relatively high level of education, and there are so many talents to go back.

I believe that the problem of shortage of talents can be well resolved.

And what about James?

At this time, he was sitting in his office drinking red wine.

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