For Wang Liangmin, who graduated from Columbia University, he is recruiting people here.

He has nothing to object to.

First, he received money. When the financial crisis was rampant, this large sum of money would be enough for him to squander for a long time.

Second, fewer people are unemployed, which can also improve his political performance.

In a situation where the unemployment rate is increasing all over the United States, it is certainly not a great achievement for New York to reduce the unemployment rate.

In this way, when both parties are happy, they are all happy.

Han Ling in Beiping also felt relieved after receiving the news.

Now under the rule of the Peking government, it is developing in an all-round way.

It can be said that all walks of life have truly entered the time of comprehensive development.

But at this time, the problem of talent shortage emerged.

Although there are clones to supplement, but there are too few clones after all.

Is the livelihood of the people or the army more important?

This was originally Han Ling's right-hand man, and there was no question of who was important or who was not.

Both sides have to develop comprehensively.

Therefore, the problem of shortage of talents is particularly serious.

There are too many unemployed people in the United States now. As long as we recruit hundreds of thousands of people from the United States, we can solve the current development problems.

As for the future development of talents.

By that time, the talents cultivated by themselves will also come out.

At that time it will be useless.

Han Ling Office, Xiyuan, Forbidden City, Beiping

"Master! This is our development data for the current few months! Take a look!"

Today, Yan Baichuan reported the people's livelihood development data during this period to Han Ling.

Han Ling nodded, and looked at it after taking it.

"Now our industrial output value has begun to show a steady increase, and the development of agriculture is not bad, but this is not enough.

You must keep an eye on the Hetao Development Project.

That project will be a large-scale project to guarantee our food in the future.

Regarding the talent gap issue that you said in the document.

You don't have to worry about this problem, our people have already started recruiting in the United States.

And it went very well!I estimate that after a while, they will send the first batch of talents back!

Then our problem will be solved.

East of Heilongjiang Province, Dongning County, Pingyuan Army Far Eastern Front Army Headquarters

"Old Li! There's news from the military! At Chunhua, on the border of Jilin, we have installed three giant cannons, ready to support our army! Now Lao Maozi's army has been huddled in the Twin Cities. No matter what Refuse to come out. I guess, if we don't launch an attack, they will keep shrinking like this!"

Zheng Daxing, the deputy commander looked at Li Longke and said.

Zheng Daxing and Li Longke are also old men of the Pingyuan Army.

Zheng Daxing also knew that Li Longke was like this.So no surprises.

"Old Zheng, this is normal! Old Maozi's Trans-Siberian Railway was not only bombed by us.

That guy, Old Liu, even brought his troops to Irkutsk, and they couldn't even deliver the logistics supplies.

Once this old man's Far East Military Region fights with us, with their little ammunition, they may face a situation of running out of ammunition in a short time.

It's no wonder they don't hide anywhere! "

Wang Chenggang shook his head and said.

"En! These are all like this. But since the old man dared to send troops to the Twin Cities, it shows that they have the courage to fight us.

But the reason why they are still shrinking is that they must be waiting for their domestic supplies.

Lao Maozi lost the railway supply line, but they still have sea transportation.

Although it takes a certain amount of time to ship such a long distance by sea, there is still some waiting.

So I guess their supplies have arrived, and I'm afraid they will take the initiative to start a war with us! "

Li Longke said.

"Wait? It will take a lot of time for them to wait until the logistics supplies are delivered!

Now we are already ready, Siberia is fighting fiercely, we should act now! "

Zheng Daxing looked at Li Longke and said.After all, the commander this time is Li Longke, and the order to attack still needs to be given by Li Longke.

"Well! It's about to enter winter now, and we still have to end the war as soon as possible! We don't have tank divisions like Siberia, so we can only use infantry and artillery coordination to eat up the old man bit by bit!"

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