Li Longke thought for a while and said.

"It's a pity! Our mechanized infantry division is here for soy sauce. If our mechanized infantry division training is completed.

Then you can pull it up and fight the old man! "

Zheng Daxing said with some regret.

On the morning of September [-], [-], the Underground Command of the Far Eastern Front outside the Twin Cities

"No! Take a look! The Soviet army has built a complete tunnel fortification. The entire position outside the Twin Cities has been built like a bunker. If we attack normally, I am afraid that we will have to sacrifice a lot of soldiers to eat it!"

Li Longke put a stack of photos on the table and said.

Some of these photos were taken by Air Force reconnaissance aircraft.

Others were filmed by Han Ling with a spy machine.

Those spy machines drilled into the Soviet positions for observation.

This time, the commander of the Soviet Army's Far East Military Region, Bliuchel, gathered the Soviet Army.

These hours are spent entirely on building fortifications.

They built a lot of tunnels underground.

Link the positions outside the Twin Cities with the positions inside the city with tunnels.

And the cement fortifications were also built with cement.

It can be said that during this period of time, the Soviet army completely turned the Twin Cities into a bunker.

"Drink! This Soviet army is going to become a gopher!"

Looking at these photos, Zheng Daxing couldn't help sneering.

In fact, this is also impossible.When the war in Siberia reached Blücher's ears, he knew that it would be better to use traditional defenses.

It is definitely impossible to hold, as long as the tunnel fortifications are dug, then there is a chance to hold it.

Otherwise, before the supplies arrive, the hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops in his hands will enter the POW camp of the Pingyuan Army.

"Knock it out with heavy artillery bombardment and giant cannons!

Give him a little knock off! "

Li Longke looked at the two and said.

"En! I agree with this method, and this is the only effective method at present!"

On the morning of the [-]th, on the artillery positions of the two heavy artillery divisions, all the heavy artillery were ready.

Always be ready to fire a cannonball.

And in Chunhua, tens of kilometers away from them, three giant cannons also began to rotate.

The real protagonists today are the three cannons.

Li Longke will rely on him to knock down the underground fortifications of the Soviet army one by one.

The underground fortifications built by the Soviet army and the 205mm heavy artillery are really not very sure to knock them out.

But the 480mm cannon is completely capable of knocking them out.

A big crater made by this giant cannon.

The depth of that big pit is not eight or nine meters, it's all bullshit.

The shells of this giant cannon, the weight of a single shell is about two tons.

And his power, once fired, would disappear into the world battalion by battalion.

So far, no one can resist his bombing, and no battleship can resist his damage.

This is also the reason why the little devil came to test once before, and after being blown up by two destroyers, he dared not approach those areas even if he was killed.

As far as the power of the giant cannon is concerned, even if their Nagato and Mutsu go up, once they are hit by two rounds, even if they are not scrapped, they will be seriously injured. is light.

Seven thirty in the morning of the twenty-ninth.

The two heavy artillery divisions opened fire immediately.

More than four hundred heavy artillery began to roar.

And on the Soviet positions outside the Twin Cities.

When the heavy artillery sounded, those Soviet troops immediately drilled into the underground fortifications like mice.

kindness!Now the heavy artillery division of the Pingyuan Army is indeed the Soviet army who has no choice but to go underground.

But soon there will be artillery that can do nothing to them.

In the midst of such heavy artillery shelling, three discordant voices suddenly appeared.

These three sounds are like the sound of a train whistle.

It's just that this sound has been amplified countless times.

These three voices were so loud that even the Soviet army in the underground fortifications could faintly hear them.

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