But the cannon can't stop it.

Once the opponent fires the cannon, that kind of psychological deterrence to one's own soldiers can make countless people collapse.

"Come on! Order all the soldiers on the ground outside the city to abandon their positions immediately and retreat to the city!"

Bliu Helton, who reacted, began to roar loudly.

Then I ran to the confidential room.

"I hope those Chinese people will not be too crazy!"

Blueher sat down slowly, and said with longing eyes.

Now Blueher can only pin his hopes on the Geneva Convention.

He hoped that the Pingyuan Army would abide by the Geneva Convention and not fire at the city.

Only then will he be sure to hold the Twin Cities.

Otherwise, it would be that huge cannon that could demoralize the Soviet army under him, and then line up into the Pingyuan Army's prisoner-of-war camp.

When Blueher sent someone to convey the order.

At this time, it was above the positions outside the city of Twin Cities.

There are several planes circling above.

Their purpose is not to bomb, even if it is to bomb, they will not send a few fighter jets to bomb.

Their task is to determine the data.

They will confirm the data of the impact point of the cannon, and then send it back to the front finger of the Air Force.

The former Air Force will send these data to the giant artillery base.

Then those cannons will correct the parameters, reload and fire.

As for the impact point of the giant cannon, it is really easy to identify.

Those three craters that looked like tiankengs, apart from being caused by giant cannon shells, who else could make such a large crater?

This cannon uses an automatic loading system, and the loading speed is many times faster than those manually loaded.

Every fifteen minutes, this is not a joke!

Fifteen minutes later, the three giant cannons with corrected parameters started firing shells again.

This time when the huge sound of the train whistle sounded in the sky.

All the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army immediately lay down on the ground, opened their mouths, and covered their ears tightly with both hands.

The moment just now made them feel extremely uncomfortable.Be prepared to say anything this time.




There were three more loud bangs.

Even the generals of the Pingyuan Army covered their ears and opened their mouths.

But the explosion of the giant cannon shells falling on the ground still made them feel very uncomfortable.

This feeling is like a sledgehammer hitting my heart.

With this bombardment, three huge sinkholes appeared on the Soviet position.

A lot of water has seeped out of the previous tiankeng.

In the following time, three cannon shells flew in every fifteen minutes.

Every fifteen minutes is like a death.

Once those Soviet soldiers arrived fifteen minutes later, they would close their eyes and pray to God in their hearts, and let God bless them, so that the shells would not fall on them.

As for avoiding the giant cannon shells!

Do not make jokes!

The explosion range of that thing is several hundred meters.

Remember, this is just the blast range.

It's not the killing range yet.

Even if you are outside the explosion range, but you are within the killing range, that power can turn your chest into a pile of minced meat.

Don't do the useless work of dodging the cannonballs.

Instead of doing useless work, it is better to think about your own home during this last time, maybe that is the last thing you can do.

Under such circumstances, all the Soviet troops living outside swarmed into the city.

In the process of retreating, there was still deep fear in their eyes.

The firing speed of the cannon is not fast.

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