But the shock of death cast a shadow over everyone's heart.

They have no intention of fighting at all.

"Old Li! Those old men have all retreated into the city! What? Shall we continue the bombardment?"

Zheng Daxing threw a telegram to Li Longke.

"All retreated into the city? Wait! Let me ask the commander for instructions on this matter first!"

Li Longke thought for a while and said, after all, if such a giant cannon is used to bombard the city, it may have a bad effect!

Chapter 215: Giant Cannon Bombards the City

"Peking, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Marshal! Li Longke, Commander of the Far East Army, has sent a telegram, please read it!"

Zhang Hanqing handed a telegram to Han Lingdao.

"Him? Is there something wrong with the telegram he sent? Or did they win? But this is the first afternoon of the war with the Soviet Russian Far Eastern Military Region!"

Out of curiosity, Han Ling read the telegram.

After a while, he threw away the telegram with a look of disdain.

"Send a report to Li Longke! Ask him if there are any Chinese nationals in the Twin Cities? Why can't we use giant cannons to bombard the city?"

Han Ling said with a look of disdain.

"Commander! Think twice! If the bombardment of the city really caused huge civilian casualties, we may be condemned by those countries internationally!"

Zhang Hanqing stopped Han Ling and said.

"International condemnation? Hmph! Are those condemnations more important than the lives of our soldiers?

Han Qing, we can't make the mistake of Song Xianggong! "

Han Ling looked at Zhang Hanqing and said.


"Okay! Don't talk about it! Give Li Longke electricity and let him bombard the city immediately! At the same time, use the plane to drop a lot of leaflets and tell them that if they surrender, we can let the past go, otherwise we will kill them!"

Han Ling waved his hand and said decisively.


Ningqiang County, Far East Front Army Command

"Commander! The military department has sent a telegram. The commander-in-chief asked us to bombard the city immediately! At the same time, let the air force drop flyers to persuade us to surrender!"

Zheng Daxing said while holding a telegram.

"Since it is the commander's order, we will naturally obey it! Send the order down, use giant cannons to bombard the city, and all the troops will surround the Twin Cities for me, and no enemy can let go!"

Li Longke waved his hand.

The cannons began to bombard the city again, and they began to bombard the city under the guidance of the plane in the sky.

Once this kind of giant cannon is shot down, all the surrounding buildings will become a real ruin.

No one can escape.

As for the old man inside, it is even more impossible to escape.

The Pingyuan Army's use of giant artillery to bombard the city was even more unexpected by Bliuchel.

He didn't expect that the Pingyuan Army would dare to use giant cannons to bombard the city. Do they want to become the enemy of the whole world?

In fact, Han Ling really didn't think about whether he wanted to become the enemy of the whole world.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest!

This is the unchanging law of nature.

As long as he has strength, who dares to condemn him?

If you have no strength, I am afraid that you will be scolded for doing anything casually.

Look at the Americans of later generations, have they ever cared about condemnation?

Did they care about these things?

It is because they have strength that they only act in their interests.

"Old Li, now that we are bombarding the city with huge cannons, we might as well transfer the two heavy artillery divisions to bomb the city! Anyway, it's like this, it's better to end this war as soon as possible! Now that the war has dragged on for a long time, it's bad for us. Not good!"

In the headquarters of the Far East Front Army, Zheng Daxing looked at Li Longke and said.

"No hurry! Wait for the reaction of that fellow Blyuchel! Our leaflets have already been dropped.

If he doesn't surrender, we'll deploy heavy artillery to bombard the city!Now put pressure on them with the cannon! "

Li Longke waved down Zheng Daxing's proposal.

"Surrender? Blyuchel is tenacious enough! It's been so long, will he surrender?"

Zheng Daxing frowned.

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