Because when one comes and sinks the other, even if it doesn't sink you, the 480 cannon can scare you to death.

This is also the reason why the East China Sea Fleet can quietly sail along the Korean Peninsula and towards the Sea of ​​Japan without being discovered.

Peter the Great Bay, East China Sea Fleet, Flagship - Huashan

Among the three battleships of the East China Sea Fleet, the historical Yamato-class battleship was named Huashan by Han Ling.

The Montana class was named Taishan by Han Ling.

The Prince of Will was named Hengshan by Han Ling.

"Deputy commander, a telegram from the commander of the military department!"

Standing on the bridge, Shen Honglie looked at the distant sea with binoculars, feeling a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

Now he pilots the largest battleship in the world.

The most heavily armored and most dynamic battleship.

The only fly in the ointment is that his subordinates really let him down.

Three months of training, live ammunition shooting training some time ago.

When a shell was fired, it missed the target by [-] meters. After he found out about this, he scolded these subordinates.

"Everyone is there! Immediately send an order, and the fleet will immediately approach Askold Island. After a while, the little devil's fleet will pass by there, and we will intercept them there!"

After Shen Honglie finished reading the telegram, he looked at the crowd below and said.

Chapter 225: The First Battle of the Navy [Part [-]]

October [-], [-], at three o'clock in the afternoon

Mao Neixiao stood on a high-level heavy cruiser, looking at the Mutsu, which had sunk halfway.

There was an indescribable pain on his face.

The Mutsu, the spiritual symbol of the empire, sank after all.

The rescue of so many damage control personnel still failed to save the battleship.

"Your Majesty! What shall we do?"

Yoshida Chuichi stood beside Mao Neiying, looked at him and asked.

"Return to the voyage! Return to the port! I personally apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Mao Neixiao was silent for a while before speaking bitterly.

The loss this time came out was too great.

The two heavy cruisers were each hit by a giant cannon shell. Although they did not sink, they also needed major repairs.

Several destroyers were also sunk.

The biggest loss was the sinking of the battleship Mutsu.

This would be a huge loss for the entire empire.

"Mr. Mao Nei"

"Stop talking! Yoshida-kun, let's go! Go back! Don't stay here any longer. Wait a little longer and the Beiping government's cannon will fire again!"

Mao Neixiao waved his hand, and said with a little lethargy.


Yoshida Chuichi could only turn around and walk away with a helpless expression.


"Report to the Deputy Commander! We have reached Askold Island!"

A staff officer walked up to Shen Honglie and said loudly.

"Well! Order the fleet to prepare for battle, according to the information we have received. The remnant fleet of the little devils will arrive here at five o'clock this afternoon. We will fight with them then!"


The time passed by one minute and one second, when it was five twenty in the afternoon.

It was only then that Maouyeo arrived near the island of Askold with this mournful fleet.

The little devil's fleet is like a frost-beaten eggplant. The entire fleet looks lifeless.

But this is also normal. The sinking of the Mutsu has dealt an immeasurable blow to the little devil.

"Your Excellency! Look! There is a fleet ahead, are they the fleet sent by the empire?"

Yoshida Nakaichi saw a fleet approaching from far away.

However, due to the distance, he couldn't see clearly.

Hearing this, Mao Neixiao raised the binoculars in his hand and began to look.

"Quick! All ships are ready for battle immediately! They are not the fleet of the Empire!"

Mao Neixiao only glanced at it, and immediately began to roar loudly.

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