Through the telescope, the first thing he saw were three huge battleships.

According to his eyesight, he saw it at a glance.

None of these three battleships is a battleship of their empire.

And the most important thing is that each of these three battleships is larger than the Nagato-class battleships of their empire.

Especially the one in the middle is even more huge.

He estimated that the displacement of that ship was at least [-] to [-] tons. What a huge battleship it is!

And this battleship is in a battle formation, which is too obvious.

As for which country they belonged to, he didn't know in his heart.

In today's world, the countries with the seven largest warships are the little devil, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

The two Nagato-class battleships of the little devil, the three Colorado-class battleships of the United States, and the two Nelson-class battleships of the United Kingdom.

These seven battleships were known as the Seven Giants of the Navy during this period.

But the main force of the United States is in Hawaii, and the main force of the United Kingdom is in India and the mainland.

This is the Sea of ​​Japan!

Where did this come from?

Although I don't know where these battleships came from, I don't know which country they belong to.

But Mao Neixiao knew that they must have bad intentions, and now there might be a naval battle, so he could only deal with the present first.

"Close to the enemy! According to our intelligence, the two heavy cruisers of the little devil are the main force of their navy. And each of them was hit by a cannon shell. Don't let them go, kill them.

This battle is a practical training.

The commander-in-chief has personally issued an order, he does not want to see a prisoner! "

At this time, in the bridge of the battleship Huashan, Shen Honglie looked at the crowd with a serious expression.

This time, Han Ling specially arranged an actual combat training for them.

After the enemy lost its battleships, the remaining ships could not cause substantial damage to their own battleships at all.

Even the 203mm main gun of the second advanced heavy cruiser cannot cause substantial damage to any of these three battleships.

This is why Han Ling asked to destroy the little devil's Mutsu as much as possible before letting them come to intercept with confidence.

The Beiping government's navy was still too young.

They are inexperienced and have no actual combat experience.

And the training time is also short.

At this point, Han Ling had to admit that if the little devil and his own navy battleships with the same driving performance were bombarded.

The final loser must be your own side.

The little devil's navy has been established for decades.

And their training is adequate.

There is also actual combat experience, and the cooperation of various personnel on a battleship is also very good.

In naval warfare, in the era of giant ship cannons, although armor and artillery caliber are very important factors.

But training and cooperation are also very important.

A battleship cannot be played by one person, it needs one or two thousand people to play.

The various coordination among them cannot be honed in two or three months. Otherwise, why would there be a ten-year army and a century-old navy?

As the fleets of both sides gradually approached, Mao Neixiao finally knew which country the opposite fleet belonged to.

"Nani? The fleet of the Peking government?"

Mao Neixiao looked at the iron-blooded Han army flag fluttering on the Huashan, and immediately opened his mouth.

At this moment, it can be said that he was extremely shocked.

When did the Peiping government have such a huge fleet?

He knew that the Beiping government had a navy, but he just accepted the former Northeast Navy.

They didn't pay attention at all.

But now it is suddenly discovered that the Beiping government has battleships, and there are still three of them when they appear, and then look at the heavy cruisers and destroyers around them.

He was very unwilling to believe that this was the naval fleet of the Beiping government.

But looking at the fluttering iron-blooded man's army flag, he had nothing to say.

It's not just the hair effect vibration.

It can be said that Yoshida Chuichi and all the little devils in the navy were extremely shocked at this time.

That China, which they despise, actually has a navy?And as soon as they appeared, there were three huge giants!

226: The Navy's first battle [medium]

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