"Prepare for battle!"

Although the shock in Mao Neixiao's heart could not be further increased, he still quickly issued a combat order.

With this in mind, what else can they do besides fighting?

Moreover, in Mao Neixiao's heart, he did not believe how strong the Beiping government's navy was.

The reason is simple, the Peking government was not established for a long time.

These battleships are certainly not those of the previous warlords.

It can only appear after the establishment of the Beiping government, although I don't know where they got the battleships from.

But as long as they have been established for a short time, and they have not received intelligence from the Beiping government's navy.

Therefore, Mao Neixiao decided that this was a navy that hadn't shown up, had not been trained for a long time, and even had a weak combat effectiveness.

In the navy, you are not just equipped with a few advanced warships, you are a naval power.

This requires a solid background.

At the same time, good qualities of naval sailors are required.

Shooting guns on the sea, not on land.

Ships on the sea are shaking, and if you don't pay attention, there will be big errors.

"Order the two heavy cruisers to fire first! Test the quality of the enemy navy!"

Although Mao Neixiao was arrogant and didn't think how powerful the Beiping government's navy was, he still decided to test the strength of the Beiping government's navy first, so as to judge whether he was fighting or what.

Mao Neixiao decided to fire first, but that was just an order, while the three battleships Huashan, Taishan, and Hengshan were already adjusting their muzzles and preparing to fire.

Among the three battleships, the Huashan and Hengshan are controlled by clones, and only the Taishan is controlled by Shen Honglie's sailors.

And among the five heavy cruisers and eight destroyers around.

There are three heavy cruisers and four destroyers controlled by clones.

The rest are controlled by human soldiers.

"Target: Enemy navy heavy cruiser!"

"Distance: eight kilometers!"

"Speed: [-] knots"

A piece of accurate data was read in the control room of Huashan's main turret.

All these precise data were sent back by spy machines.

It can be said that these spy machines are like multi-function locators.

Not only did they transmit back the precise location information of the little devil's warship, they also transmitted back all the speed of the little devil's warship.

Now these clone soldiers on the Huashan are nervously adjusting the muzzle and calculating various data.

"The calculation is complete! Please adjust the parameters of each gun position and prepare for test firing!"

"The No. [-] turret is ready!"

"The third turret is ready!"

It is impossible for the main guns on a battleship like the Yamato class to fire nine main guns in salvo at one time.

The recoil force generated in this way is very large, and the damage to the hull is also great.

Scenes of six salvos are common at that time.




The four 460mm main naval guns began to fire.

The No. [-] turret has two doors, and the No. [-] turret has two doors.

The four main guns began to fire in salvo.

Four shells flew towards the little devil's Myo high-level heavy cruiser - Nachi and Haguro with a whistling sound.

wrong!Not four, but twelve.

Four for each battleship.


Seeing the twelve huge shells of the main naval gun flying towards his side, Mao Neixiao couldn't help roaring.

In fact, he didn't need to say, the pilots of Nachi and Haguro had already started operating the ships to evade.

Twelve shells landed around Nachi and Haguro after about ten seconds.

Not a single shot hit, Mao Neixiao was not lucky, and there was no expression on his face.

He knew that this was just a test firing by the enemy.

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