Although Mao Neixiao wanted to try his best to break through the defense line, it was obviously impossible in the face of absolute strength.

In this naval battle, five destroyers of the East China Sea Fleet were injured, two heavy cruisers were hit by torpedoes, and the battleship wiped out the entire fleet of the little devil except for some minor injuries.

After his two Haguro were killed, there was only one Nachi left alone, and it was the Nachi that was hit hard.

In the end, the same was eaten.

How could the remaining transport ships and destroyers be the opponents of the East China Sea Fleet.

When the naval battle was over, it was already night.

There are all kinds of oil, garbage, and some little devils' navy sailors floating everywhere on the sea.

Those destroyers were sent to deal with these little devils.

But the battleships left.

The base camp of the little devil's capital.

"Nani? The entire squadron was wiped out? The Mutsu was also sunk, and the Beiping government appeared with a navy? Three super battleships?"

Hirohito, who had been taking a walk after dinner with the Queen in the Royal Garden, heard the news that made him feel very nonsense after receiving important news.

"Yes! Your Majesty! This is the message sent back by the captain of the Mutsu, Mouchi Sho, in the farewell message!"

The Minister of the Navy, Dajiao Censheng, bent over and said.

"Is the news reliable? Are you sure it's the navy of the Beiping government and not the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Far East?"

Hirohito asked again as if he didn't believe the news at all.

"It should be reliable! In the farewell message sent back by Colonel Mouchiko, he claimed that they fought against the navy of the Beiping government for an afternoon!"

To be honest, Dajiao Censheng didn't want to believe the news.

But after repeatedly reading Dajiao Censheng's telegram, he finally believed in Mao Neixiao.

Mao Neixiao was able to sit on the Mutsu, the captain of the Mutsu who represents the symbol of the national spirit of the little devil.

This shows that his ability in the Little Devils Navy has been recognized by all the bosses of the Navy Department.

Otherwise, the captain of the Mutsu, who do you think can sit there?If you can't get the approval of the boss of the Navy Department, if you can sit on it, then it is a fake.

"A navy appeared in the Beiping government? What's going on? Why didn't we get any news? And there are still three super battleships? Which country sold them to them?"

Hirohito was stunned for a long time before he believed this fact.

But then started yelling again.

When did the navy appear in the Beiping government?

Which country sold these three super battleships to them?

This is another question.

As for why Yuren didn't think it was built by Huaxia itself.

The reason is simple, the completion of a super battleship.

From the beginning of design, to the beginning of manufacturing, and then drying, launching, service, sea trial and so on.

None of these cannot be completed in a few years.

How long was the Peking government established?

It's been just over a year now!

So Hirohito naturally didn't think it was made by the Beiping government itself.

"I don't know! Now the Beiping government has blocked the entire Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Korean Peninsula with giant artillery groups.

Once the warships of the empire entered that range, they would be attacked by artillery groups.

In addition, their internal secrecy is also very good.

The empire didn't even get any news! "

Dajiao Censheng said to Hiroren with some depression in his heart.

Not only Hirohito wants to know these questions, but Dajiao Censheng also wants to know.

But the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the area around the Korean Peninsula have now become restricted areas for the Peking government.

Their navy simply did not dare to enter.

You can try it out, once you enter, you will face dozens of cannonballs.

Dozens of pieces, not to mention the Mutsu.

It's just that no battleship in the world can handle it now.

His shells can easily penetrate the armor of any battleship in the world today.

Do you think the little devil dares to go in?

I just went in before, and lost two battleships before I realized it.

This time it was even better. One battleship, two heavy cruisers, more than a dozen destroyers, and so many transport ships were all lost.

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