"Go and check for me! We must find out what is going on here, and then contact the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Soviet Russia, contact them, and put pressure on the Beiping government to ask them to abide by the Washington Naval Treaty and dismantle the building immediately. Three super battleships!"

Hirohito said with a gloomy face as if he remembered something.

Chapter 229: This is not enough

On the night of October [-], [-], Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Command Hall of the Military Headquarters

Because today is the first actual combat of the East China Sea Fleet, and the military department is very concerned about this actual combat of the East China Sea Fleet, and wants to understand the strength of the East China Sea Fleet more clearly.

So until now, the entire military hall is still brightly lit, and hundreds of radio stations are still running continuously.

And there are dozens of printers working continuously beside it.

Han Ling, Jiang Baili, Zhang Hanqing, and Huang Kelin were all still in the command hall of the military headquarters, waiting for the battle report from the East China Sea Fleet.

"Report! The East China Sea Fleet has sent a good news!"

A communications staff officer walked in with a happy face and said.

"Happy news? It's finally here, read it quickly!"

Han Ling asked with a sigh of relief.

"Shen Honglie, Deputy Commander of Pingyuan Army Navy:

This afternoon, our East China Sea Fleet encountered the remnant Japanese fleet in Peter the Great Bay.

After an afternoon of fighting, the two armies successfully wiped out the Japanese fleet at [-]:[-] in the evening.

This campaign sank two Japanese heavy cruisers and eleven destroyers.

Eight transport ships were sunk and sixteen were captured.

None of our army's warships were sunk, only a few destroyers were seriously injured, five heavy cruisers and three battleships were slightly injured.

On October [-], [-], Shen Honglie"

After the communications officer finished reading, Han Ling and Jiang Baili looked at each other.

"I believe that after this actual battle, the strength of the East China Sea Fleet will have a qualitative leap!"

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhang Hanqing couldn't help standing up and laughing.

"Well! This is for sure. Let them all write a summary after this actual battle. I want to see their insights. Also tell Shen Chengzhang not to be proud of this victory.

This time we dispatched all surface ships of the East China Sea Fleet, three battleships, five heavy cruisers, and eight destroyers.

It took an afternoon to defeat a squadron of the Japanese Navy. This was because their battleships were not there and two heavy cruisers were injured.

This time it can be said that we were prepared to defeat the Japanese navy.But next time it won't be so easy! "

For this victory, Han Ling did not think that his East China Sea Fleet could compete with the little devil's United Fleet.

It can be said that there are many reasons for this victory.

What Han Ling has to do now is to train more naval personnel.

According to the speed of the naval manufacturing base, in about a week, the second batch of battleships will be completed.

There are four battleships in this batch, all of which are Yamato-class battleships in history.

But Han Ling did not plan to serve them all.

The reason is the lack of manpower.

Before, when Han Ling took over the Northeast Navy.

The Northeast Navy has about [-] officers and soldiers.

There are more than [-] ships, about [-] tons.

But it's not worth mentioning, and there's nothing to mention, it's all gunboats and things like that.

There are three cruisers, still light cruisers.

It can't be used as the main battleship on the sea. Han Ling just ignores those things.

In terms of personnel, there are more than [-] people, which already account for more than half of the Huaxia Navy.

But this manpower is really too small.

A battleship needs one or two thousand people.

Although Shen Honglie is now working hard to train naval personnel, the time is too short.

Can't keep up at all.

Although there are clone soldiers, but now clone soldiers have to be distributed in so many fields, even if they focus on the navy, how many people are assigned to the navy?

Of the four battleships, Han Ling plans to serve two of them.

Then it will be equipped with other heavy cruisers, destroyers, and frigates and other ships produced below.

In addition, gunships must also be produced.

For nothing else, just to form China's inland river fleet and prepare for the battle of crossing the river.

In addition, ships such as assault boats, landing craft, and supply ships will also be produced.

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