Now what we want to end is the war in the Far East.Take the Far East, and then you can occupy Chita and other areas along the Trans-Siberian Railway. "

Han Ling turned around and looked at the huge map.

"By the way! How's the situation of the Far Eastern Front Army? Has that old bastard Bryuchel surrendered?"

Speaking of the Far East, Han Ling remembered the battle that took place in the Twin Cities, and couldn't help asking.

"Not yet! That old bastard Bluecher is still playing hide and seek with us underground!"

Jiang Baili shook his head and said.

"Not surrendering yet? Send a report to Li Longke and tell them not to wait for that old man. If you don't surrender, then send them to die immediately!"

Han Ling didn't want to wait any longer. It seemed that Blyuchel was really stubborn enough not to surrender yet.

Chapter 233: Catching a Ground Mouse【中】

When Han Ling ordered Li Longke to immediately launch the final attack on the Soviet Russian Far East Military Region.

At this time, underground in the Twin Cities, a military meeting was going on to decide the life and death of the Far East Military Region.

"Comrades! Today is the last time for the Huaxia people to give us an ultimatum. Tell us what to do now!"

Blueher stood in front of this underground conference room, looked at the teachers and said.

"Comrade Marshal Blyuchel, I will never agree to surrender. How can our great Soviet Red Army surrender to those lowly yellow monkeys?"

As soon as Bliuchel's voice fell, a major general below stood up and retorted resolutely.

After glancing at this man, Blueher turned his head and looked at Ogalia.

They know this person, this is a division-level political commissar below.

He belonged to the kind of talkative guy who would be an idiot on the battlefield.

"Comrade Constantine, I have received your opinion. Now is the time to collect everyone's opinions, not the time to make a decision. As for how to make a decision, this is a matter for our headquarters!"

This time it was not Blücher who spoke, but Ogalia.

Because this political commissar falls under his jurisdiction.

Although what Ogalia said was very tactful, some people below still heard something wrong.

That is the command tends to surrender.

Some of the teachers below looked at each other and didn't speak.

In fact, they are more inclined to surrender in their hearts. After all, this kind of local mouse has a hard time digging underground.

"Are none of you talking? If you don't speak, then stick to Comrade Constantine's opinion!"

A gleam flashed in Blueher's eyes, he stood up and said calmly.

Still no one spoke below.

"Okay! If that's the case, let's hold on for a while longer! Comrades, go down and get ready!"

Since no one spoke, Bleucher gave the order.

After everyone had left, Ogalia and Bluher sat down.

"Dear Comrade Blueher, do you think that if we resist for a while longer, will those Chinese people be offended?"

A look of worry appeared on Ogalia's face.

"Probably not! Now we still have a lot of troops. If we just surrender like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to win more benefits.

We can only fight for a while, let them see how powerful we are, and then wait until our supplies are almost exhausted before surrendering.

In that way, even if we surrender, we can get more benefits at the negotiating table! "

Blueher is obviously an old fox, and he thinks a lot about these things.

Ogalia didn't want to fight anymore, so why did Bleuher still want to fight?

However, if he surrendered like this, he might be looked down upon by others, that's why Blyuchel chose to fight on.

The teachers below just now obviously have this idea.

They all want to fight again, after all, there are still many troops on their side.

Ningqiang County Pingyuan Army, Far East Front Army Headquarters

"Haven't they responded yet?"

Li Longke stood in front of the map, looked at the map and said.

"Not yet! There is no news at all so far!"

Zheng Daxing and Wang Chenggang stood on both sides of Li Longke, Zheng Daxing looked at Li Longke and said.

"The commander-in-chief has sent a telegram just now, asking us to attack the old man immediately! Now that the old man doesn't know how to flatter, let's fight!"

Li Longke turned around slowly, his face still full of indifference.

"it is good!"

The Pingyuan Army entered the city this time, entering the Twin Cities.

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