Because no one has cleaned up the Twin Cities for so long, the Twin Cities are still in ruins.

Collapsed houses are everywhere.

Troops of soldiers came in.

These soldiers all carry something on their bodies.

some photos.

Needless to say, these photos were printed out by Li Longke.

The contents of these photos!

Naturally, this is where the Soviet army's tunnel is located.

The Soviet army always thought that the Pingyuan army didn't know where their tunnel entrance was, and they wanted to use the tunnel to fight a battle with the Pingyuan army.

As everyone knows, the Pingyuan Army already has detailed information about their tunnel entrances.

In this Pingyuan Army's attack, each infantry division was divided into areas.

Each infantry division is responsible for an area.

And the photos in the hands of this infantry division are from this area.

"Squad leader, look here! It's exactly the same as in the photo."

A soldier held a photo in his hand, and suddenly saw a place, and immediately shouted excitedly.

"I know! Goudan, you boy, stop for me, what are you excited about? Isn't it just to find an entrance?"

His squad leader said with a look of displeasure.

"Hey! Squad leader, am I happy! Do you think we should get rid of the things we prepared?"

Goudan said with a smile.

"Nonsense! Hurry up and take it out!"

While talking, the squad leader untied a few cylindrical things from his body. This thing looked like a bomb!Not like it.

And this thing is naturally a smoke bomb.

As for after the smoke bombs!

Of course, the Pingyuan Army prepared a lot of good things for them.

Goudan carried his weapon on his back, and removed a stone slab next to him, revealing a dark hole.

Goudan and the soldiers next to him looked at each other, and then threw down the smoke bombs on their bodies.

"chi chi chi"

There was a chirping sound, and then a puff of white smoke began to appear.

"That's right! Goofy, hasn't the battalion delivered the incendiary bomb yet?"

The squad leader saw that it was almost done, turned his head to look at Goudan and asked.

"Not yet! There are more incendiary bombs to be used this time, so our side hasn't come up yet. They have to satisfy those who are close to the city gate first. We are all in the city!"

Goudan said helplessly.

"Made! Forget it, put the lid on first, smoke them for a while, and then we'll find other holes!"

Chapter 234: Catching a Ground Mouse [Part [-]]

"Ivan, listen, there seems to be some sound coming from the exit!"

At this time, at a corner of the ground, two Soviet soldiers were sitting there, one of them still had a cigarette in his mouth.

For them who have been living underground during this period of time, if there is no smoke, they will be suffocated to death.

"Ron, are you thinking too much? Where does this sound come from?"

Ivan said indifferently while smoking a cigarette.

He didn't believe there was any sound, and now they were underground.

Can those Chinese people find their tunnel entrance?

You must know that their tunnel entrances are very secret. People from other urban areas can't find the tunnel entrance, let alone Chinese people who are not familiar with this place.

"No! I really want to hear some chi chi sound!"

Ron shook his head and said in affirmation.

He firmly believed that he was right, this tunnel was inside because it was a tunnel fortification.

Where there is any sound, it can generally be heard clearly.

Ivan, who didn't care at first, became serious when he heard Ron say this.

Ivan knew that Ron was also a veteran. If a veteran repeatedly said a question, it should be taken seriously.

"Go! Let's go and see!"

Ivan said to Ron after waiting for a while.

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