"Okay! Let's go and have a look!"

Ron nodded too.

Then the two put their rifles on the ground, took the pistols specially distributed to them in their hands, and walked slowly forward.

In such a tunnel, a pistol is much easier to use than a rifle.

However, due to the limited number of pistols, they will only be issued to some soldiers in key positions.

The position of Ron and Ivan is a key position, so each of them was lucky enough to receive a pistol.

The two walked gently towards an exit.

When they turned a corner again, they knew what the sound was.

That was the sound of the smoke bombs still in the tunnel, and the sound of the smoke bombs starting to emit smoke.

At this point the top cover is still on.

But the two of them followed the light of the flashlight and still saw the smoke that started to come out.

They vaguely saw more than a dozen smoke bombs on the ground.

"Not good! This is a smoke bomb thrown by the Huaxia people. You stay here and I will report to the company commander! The Huaxia people have found one of our holes!"

Bluecher Command

"Dear Comrade Marshal Blyuchel! No, I just received a lot of news.

Our tunnel entrances in the southeast, northwest and the central city area were all discovered by the Chinese.

And they also released countless smoke bombs.

Now the smoke from the smoke bomb is spreading into our underground! "

Ogalia walked up to Blyuchel quickly, and said with a serious face.

"What did you say? They found our tunnel entrance and threw a lot of smoke bombs?"

Bluher suddenly turned around and looked at Ogalia in shock.

Those tunnel entrances are all very secretive!

For the sake of secrecy, some tunnel entrances were even covered by ruins.

There are also some tunnel entrances dug from the half way under the well.

How did these Chinese people find out?

"Yes! Our comrades in various places have sent news that they have discovered our tunnel entrance, and not just one, almost all tunnel entrances have been discovered.

Now the smoke from those smoke bombs is creeping beneath us.

If we don't deal with it early, the smoke from those smoke bombs can squeeze our living space! "

Ogalia said with a serious face.

Because I have lived underground for a period of time and have not seen the sun.

Both O'Galia and Bluher's faces were abnormally pale.

Hearing Ogalia's words at this time, Blyuchel's originally abnormal expression became even more abnormal.

"Do you know how they found the entrance to our tunnel?"

Blueher asked with a pale face.

"do not know!"

O'Gallia shook her head.

"Is it possible that our people leaked the secret?"

Blueher thought of a possibility.

"Impossible! We have too many tunnel entrances, and many teachers don't know how many tunnel entrances we have, or even the specific location of the tunnel entrance.

They generally only know the tunnel entrances within their jurisdiction.If it is a leak, it means that everyone leaks the secret to the Chinese people. If that is the case, it is impossible for us to stand here! "

Ogalia said seriously.

"Okay! Put this question on hold for now. Now that the Chinese are throwing a lot of smoke bombs at us, let's close some tunnels!"

Blueher thought for a while and said.At present, he can only think of this way.

Otherwise, if the Huaxia people continue to throw smoke bombs and let the smoke spread throughout the tunnel, they don't have to resist.

Put down your weapons and surrender!

As for winning a game and gaining more benefits at the negotiating table, this is even more impossible.

"En! This is the only way for now, but is there enough oxygen in our tunnel? If we have so many people, if they are all sealed off, there might not be enough oxygen!"

Oxygen, that's another problem.

They are all underground, and the normal oxygen supply is all provided by the entrance of the tunnel.

"Don't worry! I have prepared for this. When I first started digging the tunnel, I had people bury a large number of iron pipes in the ground.

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