Blueher didn't speak, his head seemed to be in a daze.

It took him a while to realize that his pupils were focused.

Standing up slowly, he handed the document in his hand to Ogalia.

"Look at it! The explosion just now was caused by the Pingyuan Army dropping explosives at the entrance of our tunnel! According to the news from various tunnel entrances just now, half of our tunnel entrances have been blown up."

The corner of Blueher's mouth was a bit bitter, looking at the posture of those Chinese people, is this going to bury them alive in the ground?

"What? Half of the tunnel entrance has been blown up?" Ogalia was startled when he heard it. He didn't expect that the explosion just now was the sound produced by the Pingyuan Army blowing up the tunnel entrance.

Ojialia took the document and read it word by word.

After a while, he dejectedly put down the document in his hand.

"Report! The Peking government telegram!"

At this moment, a staff officer walked into Dasheng's way.


Hearing that it was a clear-coded telegram from the Peking government, Blyuchel hurriedly said.

"If within half an hour, we do not lay down our weapons to the Far East Front Army of the Peking Government, the last resort will be implemented!"

It was just one sentence, just such a short sentence, but it hit Blyuchel on the head like a bolt from the blue.

"It seems that the Peking government has lost patience, and they don't want to wait any longer!"

After hearing this, Blueher said with some bitterness.

"Yes! They have indeed waited long enough. They don't want to wait any longer. If it weren't for the Beiping government's naval problems a few days ago, it would have been the case long ago.

such a pity!Originally, we still wanted to win a game, so that we could win more benefits at the negotiating table.

Now it seems that we are thinking too much! "

Ogalia said leisurely.

"Dear Ogalia, I believe the two of us will be famous in the world soon!"

Bluher turned his head and looked at Ogalia with a wry smile.

October [-], [-]

The commander of the Russian Far East Military Region, Bliuchel, and the political commissar, Ogalia, jointly sent a report to the Peking government, agreeing to surrender.

Then countless Soviet troops began to walk out of the tunnel, raised their weapons high, and surrendered to the Pingyuan Army.

"Come on! Go over there and drop your weapons! Don't try to do anything to mislead us!"

At this time, Goudan was holding his own weapon, standing beside a tunnel entrance, watching the Soviet army coming out of it.

When these Soviet soldiers reached the tunnel entrance, they held the middle of the weapon with one hand, raised it high, and climbed up the tunnel with the other hand.

After they came up, looking at the light that they hadn't seen for a long time, they couldn't help but stretch out their hands to cover their eyes, and then threw the weapon into the distance. Covering their eyes with one hand, they climbed out, lowered their heads, and waited to slowly adapt to the light. .

Because many old men have not seen such light for a long time, when they first came out, they still felt very uncomfortable.

Regarding these, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army did not embarrass them, knowing what the reason was.

The faces of these Soviet soldiers who crawled out were all very pale.

It seems like a serious illness.

This is why the light has not been seen for a long time.

After the news of the surrender of the remaining [-] Soviet troops to the Pingyuan Army reached the military headquarters, Han Ling smiled gratifiedly at the beginning, and then sent a telegram to the Soviet Pacific Fleet.

Make them surrender immediately, or your own cannon will send them to hell immediately.

Han Ling also stated in the telegram that don't think about running away, the cannon has already been aimed at them.If you want to run away, think about the consequences.

In order to show that what he said was true, Han Ling immediately ordered the six cannons to fire six shells at the port of Vladivostok.

These six shells landed on a destroyer, three gunboats and two frigates in the port of Vladivostok with a whistling sound.

Immediately, the three gunboats and the two frigates were directly sunk, but the destroyer was slightly better.

But he was also seriously injured by the bombing.

If it wasn't right at the port, I'm afraid it would have sunk directly.

Kireyev stood on the bridge of his flagship, looking at the sunken gunboat and the sailors who climbed up in the port, his face was calm.

Nothing unusual.

It's just that the worry in his eyes shows that his heart is not so peaceful.

"Dear Comrade Kireyev! What can you do? Now the Chinese have aimed their cannons at our main warships. If they don't make a decision early, they may fire again!"

Chemirnov, Kireyev's political commissar, walked to his side and said softly.

"Dear Chemirnov, do you think we have a choice?"

Kireyev turned around, looked at Chemirnov and said.

Kireyev's words stunned Chemirnov, and then he reacted.

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