"You said we can act at night?"

Chemirnov did not answer Kireyev's words, but asked rhetorically.

"Evening? You mean?"

Kireyev frowned.

"Of course! It's impossible for their giant cannons to have such high accuracy at night, and they are still watching us?"

Chemirnov shrugged.

"En! That's a good suggestion!"

Kireyev bowed his head and thought for a while, feeling that this idea was good.

"Then we will act at night and escape?"

Chemirnov said softly.

"It can only be this way!"

Kireyev said with a sigh of relief.

Chemirnov and Kireyev agreed.

It was decided to rush out with the fleet at night.

It's just that what they didn't know was that when they finished their conversation and made a decision, a little thing flapping dark black wings flew away.

Soon, a telegram was placed on Han Ling's desk.

"Hmph! These old men still want to run away? That depends on whether I agree or not!"

"Come on! Send me an order to order six cannons to fire at them immediately and blow up the two cruisers of the Soviet-Russian Pacific Fleet!"

Chapter 236: Poaching professional households [Part [-]]

In terms of the world's naval powers, they can all be called naval powers.

But there is one country, let alone a naval power, not even a naval power.

Who is he?

That is Soviet Russia!

Since ancient times, the navy of Soviet Russia has not been good, although they have inherited some battleships from the Tsar.

But Westerners once commented on those Slavic navies in this way.

"When they got off the warship and picked up a rifle and charged with the infantry, I felt that he was a qualified soldier!"

kindness!This is how Westerners evaluate Lao Maozi's navy.

This evaluation is really not good.

They also don't have any outstanding records, as if they are playing soy sauce.

But it is such a soy sauce navy, but today it ushered in the bombardment of giant artillery.

Amidst bursts of explosions, the only two cruisers of the Soviet Russian Far East Pacific Fleet sank in this way.

Kireyev narrowly escaped death because he was about to disembark from the warship and prepare to go home.

When he received the only two capital ships of his own fleet-the cruiser was bombed and sunk.

His cheeks twitched twice.

The Soviet Russian Far East Pacific Fleet did not have battleships.

Their capital ships are two cruisers.

In addition, there are more than a dozen destroyers, [-] frigates, and some submarines, minelayers, minesweepers and the like.

Anyway, the strength is not good.

But now the only two cruisers have also been bombed and sunk, so you can feel what kind of mood Kireyev is in the end.

After a long time, Kireyev stood up from his chair, put on his military coat, and walked towards the headquarters of the Navy's Pacific Fleet.

"Dear Kireyev, have you heard! Our only two cruisers were sunk by the Chinese cannons."

As soon as Kireyev walked in, his political commissar Chemirnov walked over quickly and said.

"I know! The Huaxia people don't want to let us go! It's just that we decided to leave at night this morning. Why did the Huaxia people come right after us?"

When it comes to this issue, not only Kireyev is puzzled, but even Chemirnov is puzzled.

"I don't know! I don't know how they know!"

Chemirnov shook his head.

Seeing that there was no expression on Chemirnov's face, Kireyev turned around and sat down slowly.

"Report to Comrade Commander, the Huaxia Beiping government has sent a telegram!"

Just as Kireyev sat down, a communications staff officer walked in and said.


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