
After the communications staff finished reading, Kireyev and Chemirnov were silent.

Han Ling didn't say anything in the telegram.

In other words, let them surrender immediately, and they must surrender within an hour, otherwise the next artillery shell will not fall on the warship, but will fall on his headquarters.

At the end of the telegram, Han Ling also made a small mention.

That is to say, the cannons are ready to go. As long as they don't surrender, and there are other small actions, the cannons will start working.

Interesting to say, but this is one of the reasons for the silence of Kireyev and Chemirnov.

Han Ling's words seemed like a friendly reminder, but they were actually threatening them.

That means: Don't think about running away, you won't be able to run away!My cannon is always ready.As long as you have other thoughts, the cannon will be fired immediately.

"Dear Comrade Chemirnov, please tell me. What is to be done?"

Kireyev looked up at his political commissar after a while and said.

"What to do? What else to do? I think we have nothing to do but surrender.

Even if you want to escape now, it is impossible. I guess their East China Sea Fleet is probably waiting for us outside Ussuri Bay! "

Chemirnov's words made Kireyev seem to have aged many years.

"Surrender! Send a report to the Peking government, we are willing to surrender!"

Kireyev was silent for a while before he suddenly raised his head and said.

He knew that there was nothing he could do now.

First of all, the main force of the Far East Military Region has surrendered to the Peking government in the Twin Cities.

The Twin Cities were taken, and the northern defense line of Vladivostok, that is, Vladivostok, was gone.

Vladivostok is an undefended city for the infantry of the Pingyuan Army.

They can easily take the city.

And when the time comes, he will not be a prisoner.

On the afternoon of October [-], [-], the Soviet-Russian Far East Pacific Fleet officially issued a signal code, announcing its surrender to the Peking government.All soldiers put down all weapons.All warships in the port of Vladivostok were also delivered to the Peking government.

After this news was sent out, the news of the surrender of the army connected to the Russian Far East Military Region formed a sweeping trend, sweeping the world.

Even if it is still in a financial crisis, the surrender of the Soviet Russian Pacific Fleet and the Soviet Russian Far East Military District has attracted the attention of the world.

They never expected that the Soviet Pacific Fleet and the Far Eastern Military Region would surrender to the Peking government.

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Master! Now Vladivostok has been taken down. This Vladivostok can be a natural ice-free port, how do you deal with it?"

Jiang Baili put down the message in his hand, looked at Han Ling and asked.

"How to deal with it? It's very simple! It is a natural ice-free port, which can be said to be an excellent location for our fleet.

I am going to set up the Pacific Fleet, so that when we deal with the little devils in the future, we can attack them from the north and the south! "

Regarding the establishment of the Pacific Fleet, Han Ling had already made preparations. The only thing missing now was a fleet commander, and Han Ling had already made a choice in his mind about the commander.

And who is this person?

Nanjing, Office of the Minister of the Navy

Now the Nanjing government has established the Ministry of the Navy, and Chen Shaokuan is the acting minister of the Ministry of the Navy and concurrently the commander of the Second Fleet and the director of the Jiangnan Shipbuilding Institute.

It was already night, and Chen Shaokuan was still writing in his office, and what he wrote was an application.

"Application for the construction of an aircraft carrier and a plan for the formation of two major fleets"

Well, this is the title of what Chen Shaokuan wrote.

Because of the arrival of Han Ling in this time and space, the area north of the Yangtze River was occupied by the Beiping government.

Therefore, Chen Shaokuan's three major fleet plans in history are gone, and replaced by the two major fleet plans.

That is, the East China Sea Fleet and the South China Sea Fleet.

However, although the three major fleets have become two major fleets, the shipbuilding plan has not changed.

There are still twenty aircraft carriers.

Chen Shaokuan proposed this plan more than once.

He had said it verbally many times before, but after reading the plan, the chairman straightened his teeth and found a reason to fool him.

Later, Chen Shaokuan thought that what he had done was not formal enough, so he wrote the letter again.

But that time the letter was nothing but nothing.

The chairman seemed to have not received such a proposal.

Not reconciled, Chen Shaokuan wrote the application again this time.

After a while, Chen Shaokuan finally finished.

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