One of Dai Li's subordinates stood in front of him respectfully, looked at him and said.

"Zhang Mazi, our task is to investigate all information that is beneficial or harmful to the chairman, and to monitor whether government officials and military generals have betrayed the party and the country. Instead of inquiring about these trivial matters. The logistics department is the oil and water department. It's nothing surprising that the director went to a nightclub. Don't report this kind of news to me in the future!"

Dai Li frowned. He had long been accustomed to the corruption of Nanjing government officials.

It's not a big deal at all.

The logistics department is an oil and water department, and the director of a logistics department must have made a lot of money.

It is not unusual for him to go to nightclubs and spend a lot of money.He was very dissatisfied with his subordinates reporting all these news to him.

Chapter 242: Special Forces [[-]]

"President, no! All the people the director met at the nightclub came from Jiangbei. And most of the time they were still secretive. They seemed to be discussing something."

Dai Li's subordinate couldn't help saying anxiously when he heard that his boss didn't take it seriously.

Sure enough, Dai Li's expression changed immediately when he heard that the logistics director was in contact with people from Jiangbei.

"Is what you said true? Didn't you lie to me?"

Dai Li said with a serious face.

Although the Beiping government and the Nanjing government seem to be in harmony now, and the two sides are still in business, everyone at the top with a little discernment knows it.

The Marshal Han in Jiangbei is not a person who is willing to do so.

Although Han Ling is young, the characters he has shown in the past two years have all been the kind of person who has a strong desire to control.

He never allows anything beyond his control to appear.

From the moment he conquered the Korean Peninsula, he began to fight the Nanjing government, and then directly conquered the area between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River, and then launched the Battle of Crossing the River. If it weren't for the interference of the other five countries, I am afraid that the entire China is now his. up.

And the war with the Soviet Union was because of the issue of returning to Xinjiang.

Sheng Shicai invited Lao Maozi's army to return to Xinjiang, and then Marshal Han straightened up and fucked Lao Maozi.

Facing Soviet Russia, I have never been afraid.

And now Lao Maozi's Far East Military Region has been killed, and Soviet Russia has lost control of the East.

The troops they mobilized were also driven out of Irkutsk by the Pingyuan Army, suppressed, and landed on the front line of Angarsk.

During this period of time, the Beiping government was mobilizing supplies and frequently mobilizing troops to the long Yangtze River region.

This has become obvious, and they are afraid that they will launch another battle across the river in the coming year.

So Dai Li now heard his subordinates tell him that a director of the logistics department frequently spied on people from Jiangbei, which immediately made him vigilant.

"President, I can absolutely guarantee this. Our people have paid attention to those people. They are definitely from Jiangbei!"

Dai Li's subordinate patted his chest to assure him.

Seeing his subordinates like this, Dai Li completely believed his words.

"You go down immediately and mobilize people to investigate this matter thoroughly for me. Even if it's what the logistics director ate at night, I still want to know!"


Qinhuai District, Nanjing,

Whether in ancient times or in this era.

Qinhuai District is a famous red light district.

In the upstairs room of a dance hall in Qinhuai District.

At this time, there were two middle-aged people sitting opposite each other.

In a place like a ballroom, these two middle-aged men didn't drink alcohol. Instead, they drank tea.

Two cups of tea, plus a small stove on the table with boiling water on it.

It seems that these two people still have a feeling that they are not surprised when they are in a busy city.

"Boss Wang, the Fuxing Agency of the Nanjing government has begun to pay attention to us during this time. I guess we will start to evacuate soon! I will trouble you to deal with the aftermath then!"

One of the middle-aged men, wearing a black robe, took a sip from a cup of tea and said.

And the Boss Wang he was talking about was the person opposite him.

Boss Wang was wearing a small black suit and a pair of glasses. He looked more like a scholar than a dance hall owner.

"Mantis, the risk for you this time is big enough, if you don't pay attention, you will stay here!"

Boss Wang spoke, and the mantis he was talking about was the middle-aged man opposite.Mantis is his code name, as for his real name, no one knows.Maybe there will be one in Archives Room [-] of Division [-].

"Hehe! Everything is for the great cause of the commander! The commander has a heart in the world. This time, we not only want to bring the goods back to Jiangbei, but we also want to leave something in this Nanjing city, in case the commander sends his troops south to recover Jiangnan. Time to make a difference!"

Mantis laughed softly.

"This is hard for you too. By the way, the logistics director Zhang Mingjiang you have been in contact with during this period, did he agree?"

Boss Wang asked as if thinking of something.

"Not yet, I'm still hesitating. But it doesn't matter, you are the person in charge of this plan, you should know that he is just one of our pawns. Our things are already on the way here. It is expected to be delivered tonight." Arrive in Nanjing."

Mantis took another sip of the tea, and said nonchalantly as he savored it slowly.

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