This time I contacted Zhang Mingjiang, the logistics director of the Nanjing government, and used him as a cover for the people in the dark to transport the weapons of the special forces into the city of Nanjing.

This series of plans are all in charge of the boss Wang in front of him.

Although he seems to be just the owner of a dance hall, but his background is not small.

His son is the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army of the Pingyuan Army.

People who knew about this matter could be counted with a slap in the face of the Beiping government.

And the ancestor of this Boss Wang was the criminal judge of the Manchu Qing court.

Well, it's a better way to say that the criminal officer is mentioned.

To put it bluntly, it is the prison officer, the executioner, whoever commits a crime, and is within the punishment to be executed after being convicted, it should be his ancestors.

But when the seventh branch was first established, the seventh branch needed to interrogate a spy, but there was no such expert in torture.

So he began to recruit torture masters among the people.

And after some searching at that time, he found this boss Wang.

But Wang Dayong was not a lieutenant general at that time, he was just a small colonel at that time.

Boss Wang went through a lot of hard work after entering the seventh place, and he was born in a prison family, so he quickly gained a high status in the seventh place.

Later, the Seventh Department will send an experienced and prudent person to take charge of Nanjing affairs.

Boss Wang was in his forties at that time, almost fifty years old.

He is considered an experienced person in the seventh place, so he volunteered to come to Nanjing.

"En! That's the best! But Zhang Mingjiang's pawn is still useful."

Boss Wang said after taking a sip of tea.

"It's useful or useless! Now that he's hired by the Blue Shirts Club, it won't be long before he's going to be arrested!"

Mantis smiled softly.

"En! You can't say that, some things are not absolute. There will be a solution!"

Boss Wang waved his hand.

"It's already [-]:[-] in the afternoon! I should go, if you don't go, others will suspect you!"

Mantis raised his wrist, looked at his watch and said.

"En! You go, remember to go out through the secret passage!"

"I know!"

Night began to fall quietly, and it was already the end of October, the temperature began to drop, and the river water also began to drop.

There are about a dozen people soaking in the river water.

"Boss! Can you say that those bastards in the seventh office can be a little more nonsense, and actually want us to do this kind of thing!"

One of the dozen or so people in the river said to Zhang Chen who was also soaking in the water next to him without turning his head.

"Where did you talk so much, kid? I haven't complained yet!"

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes.

In fact, he was not too happy.

Originally, they were going to stay in the Xianghe Inn for the next few days and not go out.

But this afternoon they suddenly received an order, that is to ask them to go to the Yangtze River to receive weapons and equipment.

This almost didn't make him curse. Before they came here to carry out their mission, they were told to wait quietly in the Harmony Inn.

Naturally, people from the seventh office got them weapons and equipment.

But now they want them to come in person, is it good?

They soaked for a few more minutes, when they felt that the energy in their bodies was draining severely.

From afar came a ferry.

The speed of the ferry is not fast, it seems to be looking for something.

The ferry was filled with all kinds of goods, and there was a man standing there on the bow of the ferry, holding a flashlight in his hand.

When the ferry arrived at a certain area, the man turned on the flashlight and shook it three times in a row according to the frequency of three long and one short.

"Brothers, there is work to be done! Ready to receive weapons and equipment!"

After Zhang Chen said something, he took his people and floated down the river.

When Zhang Chen and the others floated to the designated location, the ferry was very close to them.

At this time, someone at the stern began to look around.

When he saw Zhang Chen and the others, he untied a rope tied to the ferry as if he hadn't seen them.

Several special forces floated over, untied the rope on their backs, took the piece of rope from the ferry in their hands, and tied it with the untied rope on their backs.

Then the ferry continued sailing as if nothing happened.

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