The crowd just nodded politely and left.

At this time, if you can find out later, you will find out later.

After leaving the Admiralty, all the people immediately boarded the truck that had been prepared.

Then several trucks drove towards the east gate with a group of important members of the Fujian Navy.

At this time, a group of people was lying on a residential building in the east gate.

"Huzi, observe the surrounding situation and determine the weapon and equipment configuration of the enemy's personnel!"

A special soldier with a submachine gun whispered to a soldier beside him.

The Huzi was holding a sniper rifle with an optical aiming instrument in his hand.

Huzi didn't speak after hearing this, but just quietly observed the surroundings.

Although they don't have night vision gear yet.

But those standing guard under the city gate are all lighted.

The light was bright enough for Huzi to observe.

"There are two Maxim heavy machine guns, four Czech light machine guns, and a squad of infantry at the gate of the city.

On the tower, there are five heavy machine guns, seven light machine guns, and a company of infantry. "

Huzi said while observing.

"Huh! It's the same as our previous investigation.

According to our prior arrangement, Huzi, our group is responsible for dealing with the other group to deal with the enemies under the enemy's city gate.

The enemy on the city gate is in charge of other teams. After we complete the task, we will immediately shift our position and cover the retreat of the cargo! "

After this person finished speaking, Huzi and the other person did not speak.

But they all understood that they had heard it.

Time passed slowly, and the truck Chen Shaokuan was riding on did not encounter any problems along the way, but the closer they got to the city gate, they all knew that the real problem was at the city gate.

And there are hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city.

With the sound of a truck engine approaching from far to near, the soldiers of the Central Army at the east gate slowly became vigilant.

At the same time, his finger was also on the trigger, as if he was ready to fire at any time.

It's past eleven o'clock now, who would come to the east gate?

"Stop! Who are you?"

Soldiers at the city gate stopped the convoy.

"I'm the Acting Minister of the Navy. I'm going out of town. Something happened to the fleet. I have to deal with it!"

Chen Shaokuan's expression didn't change at all, he looked at the soldier and said.

"Do you have a warrant? Without a warrant, you are not allowed to leave the city!"

The soldier looked at Chen Shaokuan and said.

"Warrant? I have something urgent, can I make it up tomorrow?"

"No! The Chairman has ordered that no one shall leave the city at night without a warrant!"

Chen Shaokuan frowned, it seemed that he couldn't be fooled.This is the only way to break through.

Thinking of this, Chen Shaokuan immediately got back into the car.

Then the retreat started to go backwards.

The soldier thought they were going to ask for a warrant.

As for Chen Shaokuan's escape from Nanjing, he had never thought about such a thing. After all, he was the acting minister of the Ministry of the Navy, and he was a senior official of the government!


But just as Chen Shaokuan and the others retreated, a mosquito-like sound came from a distance, and then a blood hole appeared in the soldier's head!

Chapter 244: Special Forces [[-]]




As soon as the Central Army soldier fell down, a squad leader behind him wanted to yell.

But before he could scream, a bullet pierced his head again.

The soldiers of the Central Army under the city gate suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

It's just that a sniper rifle with a silencer is like a silent killer in this dark night.

No one knew how many teams Zhang Chen had ambushed around here, and no one knew how many snipers were around here.

Those Central Army soldiers under the light are the best prey.

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