A light and heavy machine gunner fell in a pool of blood.

Sitting in the truck, Chen Shaokuan's eyes widened.

He found that these guns not only had no sound, but also fired perfectly.

For every bullet fired, a Central Army soldier must fall.

And the parts that were hit were almost always the head.

The soldiers on the upper floor of the city gate realized that the Central Army below had been shot and killed, and immediately became vigilant.

One by one, the soldiers looked around with their weapons as if they were facing an enemy.

It's just that in this dark night, apart from darkness, it's still darkness.

Under tension, they didn't even know where the bullets came from.

There are not many soldiers under the city gate, just a few light and heavy machine guns and a squad of soldiers.

After clearing it out in a very short time, they set their target on the gate tower again.



Several light and heavy machine gunners on the city gate were immediately taken care of by the night attack special brigade.

Holding the machine gun, he looked around with a vigilant face, but he was the first to die.

"Who is it? Who is it? How dare you attack the Central Army!"

A company commander above the city gate had a panicked look on his face.

Death is not terrible, the terrible thing is that you don't know how you died.

You don't even know when you died or who killed you.

That's the scariest thing, especially at night.

The night can bring people fear, but under such circumstances.

The company commander seemed to be about to collapse.




Some soldiers couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore, and soldiers of the Central Army fired indiscriminately.

It's just that the shot immediately made Huzi and the others change their expressions.

"The gunshots have sounded, and the troops from other places will definitely arrive as soon as possible! Quick battle! Throwing grenades!"

Huzi, the team leader of his group, immediately shouted when he heard the gunshot.

Not only Huzi and his group knew that the gunfire was bad, but the other groups ambushing around here also knew it was bad.

Immediately, grenadiers began to fire.

"bang bang bang"

The special forces are not only superior in marksmanship, but also better at grenadiers than standing divisions.

The grenadier shells flew towards the city gate tower almost without missing a beat.

"Huzi, you are here to cover us, Zhuzi, the two of us approach the city gate immediately!"

After the team leader finished speaking, he went downstairs with a submachine gun in his hand.

And the special soldier next to Huzi also went down.

Then about forty people appeared under the city gate.

These people are all wearing black camouflage clothing. After all, the action is at night, and black can better hide them in the dark.

The faces are also painted with oil paint, so that people don't know what they look like.

"Where's General Chen?"

Among the more than forty people, one of them also had oil paint on his face, but the voice came from Zhang Chen's.

That's right, it was Zhang Chen, who also participated in the operation to seize the city gate.

"I am!"

Hearing someone calling him, Chen Shaokuan got out of the car.

"Get ready to rush out!"

After Zhang Chen said something, he immediately rushed towards the city gate.

More than forty people did not rush up one by one in teams like the standing division.

Instead, they spread out and spread under the entire city gate, making people wonder what they were going to do.

"Pull away the obstacles! Open the city gate! A group of people go up the city gate!"

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