After Zhang Chen ran under the city gate, he said quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the two soldiers began to pull away the wooden barriers placed at the gate of the city.

In addition, more than a dozen people began to go up the gate tower.

And the snipers here are also constantly shooting and killing those central troops.

However, many Central Army seems to know something.

They all hid under the city walls, so that snipers began to lose sight of their targets.

Just as they were hiding under the city wall and were lucky to escape their lives, a soldier appeared from the stairs in the distance.

"Company commander, where are the people! They are coming!"

The first soldier looked at the person and shouted in horror.

"Quick! Shoot! Kill them!"

The company commander, who was still in shock, turned around and saw only a few people, and immediately felt confident, and started to shout again.

But in the next second, someone in the Central Army shouted ghosts.

At this time, the night raid special brigade was wearing black combat uniforms, a black helmet on the head, and because the face was painted with oil paint, the face could not be seen clearly at all, and it looked a little scary.

In later generations, oil paint has become a must-have item in the army.

Everyone is used to it, and everyone is used to it.

But at this time, oil paint is a rare thing.

Anyone who saw such a scene would probably be shocked.

These Central Army soldiers were frightened.

But the special fighters who attacked the special brigade at night did not show any mercy.

The submachine gun in his hand began to swallow flames.

One after another, metal shrapnel began to penetrate into the bodies of soldiers of the Central Army.

Although the special fighters of these special brigades were not assigned to a group before.

But they still very tacitly rushed forward in a group of three.

Each group has a very tacit cover shooting, taking into account all directions above the city gate.

When this team of special soldiers cleared out the soldiers of the Central Army on the city gate tower, Zhang Chen had already led his men to remove the obstacles and opened the city gate.

And Chen Shaokuan and his convoy immediately drove out of the city gate and headed towards Yanziji.

"Come on! Fire the signal flare immediately, notify the teams, and immediately execute the next action plan!"

After seeing Chen Shaokuan and the others leaving the city, Zhang Chen immediately said to a soldier beside him.



Three red flares soared upwards.

Then hundreds of special fighters in the city began to change positions, completely blocking the key intersection of the east gate from all directions of the city gate.

At this time, a regiment guarding the East City Gate also received news that the East City Gate was attacked.

The soldiers of the Central Army immediately began to set out for the east gate.

At this time, the team of special soldiers on the east gate had been cleared, and they set up their light and heavy machine guns again.

Carry your own weapon on your back, start to execute the next action plan, and prepare to block the troops who come to support.

The special forces that blocked the reinforcements of the Central Army at various intersections began to alternately cover and retreat according to the scheduled plan after blocking for a while.

When hundreds of special forces soldiers arrived at the east gate, it was almost an hour later.

"The Second Squadron stopped the enemy at the east gate! Withdraw after half an hour! The rest of the troops moved towards Yanziji immediately. Cover General Chen's convoy!"

Seeing that everything was completed according to the scheduled plan, Zhang Chen immediately shouted loudly.

After that, each soldier had no extra words, each performed his duties, and began to implement the next action plan.

As for the troops outside the city, after hearing the gunshots at the gate of the city, although they didn't know why.

But also began to gather troops.

After all, the troops guarding Nanjing are all the troops that the chairman is going to use to resist the Pingyuan Army's battle of crossing the river.

And this is the capital, so the chairman will naturally dispatch his elite troops.

But then, after the regiment responsible for guarding the East City Gate sent news to the troops outside the city that someone had attacked the East City Gate.

Those troops outside the city began to send troops immediately, ready to support the operation.

Pukou, the field airport!

"This is the Z Bomber [-]th Battalion! All crew members are ready! Request to take off! Repeat again"

"This is the tower! This is the tower! Message received! Cleared to take off! Repeat again"

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