A heavy bomber began to take off.

At night, fighter jets cannot engage in air combat.

But it doesn't mean that night bombing is not allowed, and this is still under the guidance of the seventh spy machine.

When the heavy bombers started to take off, Dai Li was quietly listening to the news from his subordinates at the head office of the Youth Club.

"President! According to our preliminary investigation, this is the action of the Peking government, and the people they cover are the retreat of Chen Shaokuan, acting minister of the Navy.

Chen Shaokuan is afraid that he has rebelled and defected to the Beiping government. These people are here to support them! "

"Huh! It's not possible! It's definitely a traitor. You immediately take people to the homes of Chen Shaokuan and all Fujian Navy officials. If their family members have not been transferred, arrest me immediately! I will report this in person. headmaster!"

Dai Li snorted coldly.


Nanjing Leader's Mansion

The chairman who was awakened, wearing a large robe, sat on the sofa and listened quietly.

"Chen Shaokuan has already left the city tonight under the cover of the personnel sent by the Beiping government. As for where they got on the boat, we don't know yet. But I guess, the place where they boarded the boat is probably in Yanziji!"

"Catch me back! Remember, don't hurt him!"

The chairman of the committee only said this sentence, and then stopped saying it.

Dai Li knew that the chairman must be very annoyed now.

As for why Chen Shaokuan should not be hurt, it is not because of the kindness of the Chairman.

It's because the Chairman doesn't want to lose the nineteen ships of the Second Fleet.As long as Chen Shaokuan is captured, the Fujian navy will naturally not run away. After all, Chen Shaokuan is the current leader of the Fujian navy.

Moreover, many people in the navy of the Nanjing government are students of Chen Shaokuan.

If it hurt him, it's okay if he didn't die, but if he died.

The weak navy of the Nanjing government is about to fall apart.

Chapter 245: Air Force Support

Outside the city, there was already a regiment of Nanjing government troops who heard the news, and more than [-] people surrounded Chen Shaokuan's convoy.

Chen Shaokuan and his convoy were surrounded by more than [-] people.

In the middle is a special force of [-] people, who are scattered around to defend against the attacks of these central forces.

The equipment of the special forces, submachine guns and sniper rifles, exerted great power at this moment.

A few submachine guns can suppress their firepower.

The sniper rifles deal a devastating blow to their light and heavy machine gunners.

"Damn it! Why don't those bastards from the Air Force come here! If I don't come here, my special brigade will be lost here!"

After finishing a magazine, Zhang Chen lowered his head and cursed angrily while changing the magazine.

"Boss! We're running low on ammo! What should we do?"

A special soldier quietly touched Zhang Chen's place and asked in a low voice.

"You ask me what to do? Who am I to ask? If there is no bullet, I will put a bayonet on me! You go tell the first squadron and let them play the vanguard. General Chen and the others must be sent out!

Even if our night raid special brigade is dead, we still have to complete the mission!do you understand? "

Zhang Chen said angrily after putting on a magazine.

"Commander! Do you think we can escape? I heard that a regiment of the Central Army has already surrounded us!"

Zhang Shaoqun, who was standing beside Chen Shaokuan, said worriedly.

"Trust them! We've come this far and there's no turning back."

Chen Shaokuan's expression did not change at all.

When he was fighting against the Germans in England, he had seen even more dangerous scenes than this, and Chen Shaokuan would not be afraid.




There was a sound of a firing pin hitting the air.

"I'm out of ammo!"

"I'm out of bullets!"

All the weapons and ammunition of the special brigade were consigned from underwater by ferry.

The weapons and ammunition for [-] people are naturally impossible to have too many.

We have been fighting for almost a whole night tonight, so the ammunition is naturally exhausted.


After Zhang Chen fired the last bullet, there was also the sound of the firing pin colliding.

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