As for bayonet fighting, this kind of close combat, almost all the soldiers who fell were their own.

Almost none of the soldiers in black combat uniforms and black helmets fell down.

As the number of the Central Army is getting smaller and smaller, the battle is coming to an end.

"Hehe! Shao Qun, these soldiers of the Pingyuan Army are really elite!

They took more than [-] people from the Central Army with more than [-] people, and they are about to eat them now.Let's go too!It looks like we're going to stand out! "

Chen Shaokuan breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the battle was coming to an end.

He really didn't expect that the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army were so elite that they could eat up the Central Army with just such a small number of people.



"Come on! Surround me, no one is allowed to run away!"

At this moment, not far away, a troop was encircling.

"Not good! It's the reinforcements from the Central Army!"

When Chen Shaokuan heard the voice and the dark shadows in the night, his expression darkened immediately.

Unexpectedly, reinforcements from the Central Army arrived at this time.

"Da da da"

At this moment, there was another burst of gunfire in the distance. They were the second squadron blocking enemy reinforcements at the east gate.

Although there were not many of them, each of them held a submachine gun and charged here.

The Somi submachine gun fired at a rate of [-] per minute. At this moment, the firepower was at its maximum.

A group of them forcibly tore open a hole in the incoming Central Army troops and rushed in.


It was also at this time that a heavy roar of an engine suddenly appeared above the sky.

"Grandma! These bastards are finally here. If I don't come, I will enter the martyr's cemetery!"

After Zhang Chen dealt with a Central Army soldier, he couldn't help cursing when he heard this voice.

"Niu Gensheng, immediately ask your brothers to fire signal flares to inform those bastards in the air force of our position so that they don't blow it upside down! In addition, let the people of the second squadron spread around to block the enemy! Others also use the Hanyang made in their hands to assist Stop the enemy!"

After Zhang Chen finished cursing, he began to give orders.

Their Suomi submachine guns are out of bullets, but the weapons of the fallen Central Army still have bullets!

Moreover, the weapons that came to the second squadron still had bullets. After all, the weapons they used to stop the enemy at the East City Gate just now were all from the Central Army.




As a burst of signal flares skyrocketed, the heavy bombing brigade, which had dropped to a height of less than [-] meters, was immediately seen.

"Attention all planes! Prepare to drop bombs accurately, and don't bomb our people! Otherwise, the officer will not give us good fruit to eat when we go back!"

The captain of the bombing brigade said that he made a joke at the end.

But then the heavy bombers of the bombing brigade lowered their altitude again, reducing the altitude to about a thousand meters.

This is also in order to be able to bomb more accurately, if you bomb your own people.

The fun would be great.




This time it was not the sound of the signal flare, but the sound produced by the friction between the bomb and the air in the air after it was released from the warehouse.

Aerial bombs began to fall on the crowd of the Central Army.

The central army that came to support later has a scale of more than [-] people per division.

There are still several divisions coming here from behind.

As the aerial bombs fell one after another, countless central troops fell into a pool of blood.

"Quick! Tell the second squadron to let their squadron be the vanguard, follow the passage blown out by the air force, pass quickly, and rush in the direction of Yanziji immediately!"

Zhang Chen saw the target of the air force's key bombing.

They knew that the Air Force was trying to blow up a safe passage for them so that they could evacuate successfully.

Afterwards, Chen Shaokuan and his party stopped taking the car.

He was immediately protected by the night raid special brigade and rushed towards Yanziji.

Along the way, the main energy of the air force was to cover the retreat of Chen Shaokuan and the others.

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