Along the way, hurrying up and down, finally approaching Yanziji.

And what about the direction of Yanziji at this time?

Chen Shaokuan didn't want to enter the Macha River from Jiajiang by boat on his stomach.

And the Fujian navy under him was unwilling to leave Chen Shaokuan alone and escape.

So now they are still waiting for Chen Shaokuan's arrival in Yanziji.

"Captain, why isn't the commander here yet? Could something happen to them?"

A watchman looked at the captain standing with him, and couldn't help but said with some concern.

"No! There are still gunfire and bomb explosions in that direction, which means that the commander and the others are safe! Let's continue to wait! We must wait for the commander to come!"

Chapter 246: Successful Escape

"Captain! Look, there is a team of people coming over there!"

Not long after the captain finished speaking, with the sound of an explosion approaching, a group of black shadows began to approach the pier quickly.

"Quick! Turn on the searchlights! Look who it is!"

Seeing the group of black shadows, the captain hurriedly shouted behind him.

Within seconds, the huge searchlights were turned on.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, a group of figures were running quickly towards the pier.

And the person in the middle wearing the uniform of the vice admiral, who else is not Chen Shaokuan?

"It's the commander! It's the commander!"

The lookout shouted excitedly.

"I know! Quickly! Inform the other ships and ask them to use the artillery on the gunboat to support the commander immediately! The air force of the Peking government may have to withdraw!"

The captain was right. Now that they were approaching the pier, the air force taking off from Pukou was afraid of hurting their own people, so they began to evacuate one after another.

And the Central Army, which was bombed in the rear, also caught up in twos and threes after the air force's bombing was gone.

The Central Army thought that Chen Shaokuan and the others would be the meat of their mouths without the support of the Air Force.

But they seem to have forgotten that the Air Force will not support it.

But it does not mean that the gunboats at the dock do not support it.

The naval guns and rapid-fire guns on these gunboats immediately began to bombard.

The support of these naval guns is more powerful.


Gein and the others can see Chen Shaokuan and the others with the naked eye, and can carry out precise bombing.

Moreover, the caliber of the artillery on the gunboat is not large, and the rate of fire is also fast.

So one after another naval artillery shells immediately smashed down at these central troops.

"Commander! You finally escaped!"

Seeing Chen Shaokuan on the pier, several captains immediately got off the ship to meet Chen Shaokuan.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. We boarded the boat and evacuated immediately, and there is still a large group of Central Army chasing after us!"

Chen Shaokuan said anxiously.

"it is good!"

Then a group of people, including the night attack special brigade, also boarded the ship.

In a burst of black smoke, nineteen ships immediately began to evacuate.

When those central troops ran to the pier, they could only see an empty pier.

"Bastard! Send a report to the committee, Chen Shaobandao ran away with the Second Fleet!"

A teacher scolded angrily.

Nanjing Leader's Mansion

Since the chairman was called up tonight, he has not gone to sleep, but is waiting for news.

An adjutant in the attendant's room quickly walked up to the Chairman.

"Appointment! A telegram from the [-]th Division!"

The content of the telegram was not for him, an adjutant in the valet, to read, and he didn't want to read it.

He knew that the chairman didn't like the people below watching this kind of stuff.

The chairman silently took the telegram and read it.

"Mother Xipi! This Chen Shaokuan!"

The chairman scolded immediately after seeing it.

Then the chairman fell into deep thought again.

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