Only those Westerners are still lamenting the hugeness of these three battleships.

Those reporters from the UK were constantly amazed.

They were born in a naval power, and they have never seen such a huge battleship.

And some of the little devils who came to China looked at the three super battleships with terrified eyes.

Before the Sino-Japanese War, the little devil had always regarded China as a serious problem and wanted to replace it.

As for the Sino-Japanese War, they were indeed successful.

After that, he didn't put Huaxia in his eyes, and kept thinking of ways to bully and humiliate Huaxia.

China now has five huge battleships, plus other main surface battleships.

China's naval strength is beyond doubt.

Only now did some little devils understand why their government dared not make a sound after being killed by the Beiping government with a Mutsu and a squadron.

The Liaodong Peninsula, the Jiaodong Peninsula, and the Korean Peninsula of the Peking government.

The sea near these three areas has become a restricted area for the navies of other countries.

No one dares to break into this area, because this area has the largest group of cannons in the world.

In fact, there are not only dozens of giant cannons in this area, but Han Ling has already increased to hundreds of them, but the outside world doesn't know that's all.

With the world's number one battleship and the terrifying artillery group, will their government dare to take revenge?

When some reporters sent the photos of the three battleships at the Tianjin Wharf back to various countries.

Immediately there was an uproar.

Among them, the United Kingdom, France, and the little devil are the most prominent.

Before, the little devils and the others knew that the Beiping government had three super battleships.

But how big is it and how much is the displacement.

How big is the main ship gun.

Nobody knows.In the confidentiality regulations of these warships.

Han Ling did a great job.

But this time, they got pictures of these battleships.

Although they cannot draw specific data based on these pictures.

But according to the muzzle of the main naval gun in the photo, they can still roughly estimate the approximate size of the main naval gun equipped on this battleship.

The displacement also has an approximate range.

Afterwards, Little Devils, Britain, France and other countries all secretly began to let battleship designers start designing super battleships.

As for the Washington Naval Treaty?

This stuff is bullshit!

In particular, the little devil was the first to tear up the Washington Naval Treaty secretly.

They know that if the Beiping government's navy rises completely.

I am afraid that they will be the first to take them under the knife.

So they immediately began to speed up the design of super battleships.

At the same time, people began to secretly dig out a large dock that can build super battleships.

And even more so in the UK.

Of course, these are things that come later.

Now Han Ling was sitting in the same car as Chen Shaokuan.

"Brother Houfu! I invite you this time, but I have a heavy responsibility to entrust to you!"

In the car, Han Ling looked outside and said softly.

"Please tell the commander-in-chief!"

As a newcomer, Chen Shaokuan was very grateful to Han Ling for his knowledge and treatment of him.But the more this is the case, the more respectful it is.

"Don't be so stiff, relax! I know you are a famous aircraft carrier faction of our China Navy. Even many of the sailors you trained in the Nanjing government were trained to build aircraft carriers in the future. But the Nanjing government doesn't know people, it's honest Unlucky brother!"

Han Ling made a joke, which stunned Chen Shaokuan before continuing: "Now our Beiping government has five super battleships, but this is only a superficial figure! I can tell you clearly that the real strength of our Beiping government now is to have seven super battleships. A super battleship.

However, there are not enough personnel to drive, so there are still two battleships and some supporting ships that can only be parked in the dock.

However, the mission I gave you is not to train battleship sailors. Shen Honglie has to train battleship sailors.

I want you to train carrier sailors.In the future, the main naval force of our Beiping government will be aircraft carriers.

But we don't have sailors on the carrier right now, not a single one.Not even the pilots of the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier.

And all of these, I need you to train, including carrier-based aircraft pilots! "

Han Ling looked at Chen Shaokuan very seriously.

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