No carrier sailors, it's true!

There is nothing false about it.

Now even the sailors of battleships and other ships are not enough, so where are the sailors of aircraft carriers?

Cloning is totally not enough now.

The development of the Beiping government is too fast, and it is completely leapfrog development.

There is an urgent shortage of talents of all kinds.

So far, [-] talents Wang Liangying has recruited in the United States have been sent back.

But [-] people sounds like a lot.

But for sitting on half of China, no!

To be precise, for Han Ling, who owns most of China, these [-] people are still inside without even a blister.

All walks of life, because of Han Ling's various policies, are developing rapidly.

The Peking government was established for about a year.

Steel output changed from zero to more than [-] tons.

Don't think that more than [-] tons is too little. You must know that the Peking government started everything from scratch.

Historically, China's annual steel output before the Anti-Japanese War was only [-] tons!

And every steel factory needs clones to guide them.

And not just one or two clones.

Chapter 250: Inspection of Special Forces [[-]]

A steel factory, even a small one, needs at least thirty clones to guide it.

Why do we need so many?

The reason is simple, the workers inside were all farmers before.

Peasants who spend their whole lives digging and eating in the fields are uneducated and don't understand these things.

These all require the clones to teach them hand in hand.

This is why there are many, or even many, steel factories under the Beiping government.

But the output has not yet been raised.

How can we raise the serious shortage of technicians?

As for the talents cultivated by the school, it takes time.

This is why there will be a saying in later generations that it takes ten years to grow trees, a hundred years to cultivate people, a hundred years to plan, and education to come first.

Therefore, in the past few years, it is simply impossible to rely on the talents cultivated by the school to meet the needs of development.

Compulsory education has only been implemented for one year.

Many children in China have never gone to school.

It takes a long time to train these children into talents instead of one or two years, two or three years.

Talent is needed in all aspects, and the naval aircraft carrier cannot invest a lot of human resources.

First, the Beiping government lacks an admiral who truly understands aircraft carriers.

Second, no one will train aircraft carrier sailors.

As for the slow cultivation of human clones

After all, human cloning is too rigid, even if you have cloning people to teach and teaching materials to teach.

But without a real aircraft carrier talent, you can only cultivate low-level talents. If you want to train the captain of an aircraft carrier, this is impossible.

And what about Han Ling?

Han Ling was just a small editor of a website before, so he can barely be regarded as a second-hand knife in these aspects.

So this is why Han Ling attaches so much importance to Chen Shaokuan.

Chen Shaokuan is not only a theoretical talent in the navy, but also a naval talent who participated in the First World War and participated in actual combat, which is even more rare.

And this point, even Shen Honglie, who is full of gossip all day long and brave and good at fighting, can't compare with Chen Shaokuan.

Because he has never participated in such a world war-level naval battle.

"Big guy!"

Seeing Han Ling saying this to himself with a serious face, Chen Shaokuan's eyes were wet.

As an admiral who had defected here, this was the first time Han Ling met him.

He actually said so many things to him, and told him many secret things of the Peking government.

This moved him very much.At the same time, there is also a feeling that a scholar will die for his confidant.

In the Nanjing government, it can be said that he has made a lot of efforts for the rise of the Huaxia Navy.

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