A resource is synthetic rails.

It can be synthesized into a kilometer rail.

Anyway, this thing is cheap as hell.

They have all become rotten street cabbage.

Of course, Han Ling wouldn't use the spaceship synthesis system to synthesize all of them.

first!Where else are synthetic clones needed.

Second!Sharing part of the rails with the factories below will also drive the development of national industries.

Of course, this is only within the scope of financial affordability.

Han Ling didn't want his finances to collapse.

As for manpower!

Han Ling naturally wanted to recruit young men from the Korean peninsula.

He is not a native of the country, and he does not need to pay wages when he is recruited.

Just let them live.Those old men are not the same.

Han Ling knew, but during the construction of such a large railway.

Especially for the subsidy project that has to meet the deadline, the workers who build the railway are very tired.

It's not that it's exhausting.

Han Ling remembered that when the British guys built the railway, they recruited a lot of Chinese laborers to build that section of the railway.

And because of the construction project, many people died.

So much so that there is such a passage circulating on that section of the railway: under every sleeper there is the soul of a Chinese laborer.

From this passage, we can see how many people will die in this kind of railway construction during the rush period.

So Han Ling naturally wanted to recruit strong men from North Korea to build it.

If you are not a member of your own country after death, you will not feel heartbroken.

After death, go to recruit.

What are you afraid of!Anyway, Han Ling knew that there were more than [-] people on the Korean peninsula.

Isn't it impossible to recruit two to three million people!

"Let Qihang Company pay in advance? Marshal, isn't that your private company? This"

Jiang Baili frowned.

"Hehe! It's okay! After the finances stabilize in the future, the finances will repay the Qihang Company."

Han Ling said with a smile.

"En! If that's the case, let's do it! By the way, how many days are you going to build the main road?"

Chapter 253: The Great Railway Project [Part [-]]

"How many? Judging from the current domestic situation, I plan to build a few transportation hubs first.

Among them, Fengtian, Beiping, Xuzhou, Zhengzhou and Xi'an are the five transportation hubs.

Then build a main railway line connecting the South Manchuria Railway.

In addition, in order to strengthen the control of the Mongolian grassland, I also plan to build a railway line from Beiping to Ulaanbaatar.

With this main railway line as the center, branch railway lines to control other parts of the Mongolian grassland will be built.

In North China and the Huaihe River region, a railway line such as Beiping-Baoding-Handan-Zhengzhou-Wuhan will be built.Afterwards, it radiates around the main railway line.

And such a main railway line is to radiate the provinces of Hebei, Henan, and Hubei, and strengthen the transportation capacity of these provinces.

From North China to Northwest China, I plan to build a Baoding-Taiyuan-Xi'an-Guangyuan railway line.

Later, with Xi'an as the transportation hub in the northwest region, the Xi'an-Lanzhou-Xining railway line and the Yinchuan, Xi'an, and Wuhan railway lines were built.

Then build another Xuzhou-Zhengzhou-Xi'an-Lanzhou-Xining railway line.

As long as these main railway lines are built, we can use these main railway lines to build the surrounding railway branch lines.

In this way, our material transportation in the Jiangbei area will become very fast.

At the same time, the speed of goods circulation will be greatly accelerated.This is very beneficial to our next economic development.

Of course, these are the main railway lines.

In addition, I am also planning to build expressways in the Jiangbei area.

After all, in some cases, using railway transportation is a bit expensive for some people, and the construction of expressways can solve their problem.

It can better speed up the transportation of goods, and after the road is built, it will be very beneficial for us to transfer military supplies and troops! "

In the middle of this, Han Ling drank two sips of water in a row before finishing these words.

Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing both looked at each other.

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