"Master! If these main railway lines are completed, the railway transportation capacity in our jurisdiction will be greatly improved.

However, such a huge railway project cannot be completed in a few years!

The manpower and material resources required in this process are too huge.

Such a huge railway project, even if it is built by the United States, it will take a lot of energy! "

Jiang Baili said very rationally after the initial shock.

"En! That's right! It will consume a lot of material resources. As for manpower, I said, if there are not enough manpower, go to the Korean Peninsula to recruit.

If all that wasn't enough.

In vast Siberia, there are still about [-] million Lao Maozi population.

Then go to those places to recruit.Anyway, we will never be short of manpower. "

For the construction of these main railway lines, Han Ling has an extremely firm belief.

No one can stop it.

He has no shortage of material resources at all.

If there is no manpower, then go to catch the strong men from abroad.

Siberia has a population of [-] million idiots to catch, and the Korean peninsula has more than [-] million sticks to catch.

With a population of [-] million, we will catch the best men for ourselves.

"You! You are really addicted to catching strong men!"

Jiang Baili couldn't help smiling wryly when he saw that Han Ling was about to arrest the young man at every turn.

But to be honest, he also felt addicted.

Why don't you catch this kind of manpower who doesn't need wages?

Labor without money, if you don't catch it, you won't catch it!

"Hehe! Those North Koreans and old men should thank us.

North Korea was a colony of little devils before, and the little devils have always regarded them as cash machines.

Now I don't think of them as cash machines, at least they are not as miserable as before.

As for the old Maozi, I let them get rid of the control of the bearded man, and no longer suffer from the oppression of the wartime system.

Shouldn't they be thanking me?What's wrong with catching some of them? "

Han Ling said indifferently.

He believes that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

I am worthy of them for not oppressing and exploiting those North Koreans and old men.

Shouldn't they contribute their labor in return for themselves?

"Master! This is the first time I've heard someone take this kind of thing for granted!"

Zhang Hanqing's mouth twitched.This is the first time I heard about the arrest of a strong man and the reason for the arrest.

"By the way! It's almost noon, Mr. Zhan Ning, Han Qing, are you going to my house to eat Sichuan cuisine? Two days ago, I invited a Sichuan chef from Guangyuan to serve as the chef in the mansion. Let's try it together? This is authentic Sichuan cuisine It’s not the same as before with two knives!”

Han Ling raised his wrist and looked at it, then asked Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing.

"Go! Why don't you go! We haven't tasted authentic Sichuan cuisine. I always feel that the Sichuan cuisine I ate before has a taste of Northeast cuisine!"

Zhang Hanqing has no opinion, there is something for free, and if you don't eat for nothing, don't eat for nothing!

"Master! When will our railway plan start to be built? I heard you say so much when I was in the military today, but I didn't hear you say when it will start!"

At Han Ling's home, Jiang Baili enjoyed putting a piece of mapo tofu in his mouth, looked at Han Ling and asked.

"Start construction? There is no rush! I plan to start construction on the Northwest and the main railway line from Xuzhou to Xi'an after the beginning of next year.

Communication between east and west and strengthening the control of the northwest region is what we need to do now. "

Han Ling seems to have found that he prefers to eat twice-cooked pork in Sichuan cuisine, and he eats one slice after another.

"Well! Start construction next year? That's good, I think"

"Report! The seventh telegram!"

Just when Jiang Baili was about to say something, a voice came from outside the house.

Han Ling frowned.

He understood that something should have happened outside, but it wasn't that kind of confidential matter.

"Come in!"

Then a correspondent from the seventh office appeared in the eyes of Han Ling and the others.

This time he didn't take the telegram, but a file bag.

It was bulging inside, as if it contained something.

"Master! Here are some things we got, please take a look!"

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