Villager Ono looked at Shi Zhaoji's back and cursed fiercely, then turned around and left with his people.

After the little devil Hirohito received this telegram, he didn't show anger on his face, on the contrary, he showed a smile.

Then he showed the contents of this telegram to Pu Yi.

Afterwards, the Manchu elders in Beijing, Tianjin, Fengtian, Lushun and other places also knew that the government once again strongly rejected the little devil's interference in China's affairs.

They feel that the government still does not feel their strength.

So I contacted more people again, and prepared to write the book for the third time.

This time they will spend much more time.

Those people all started to contact the Manchu elders who had not been involved before.

Then there were quite a few people with high reputations among the elders of the Manchu Qing Dynasty who went to see Zaifeng.

They want Zaifeng to come out as the leader and lead everyone to put pressure on the government.

Zaifeng met them the first time, but Zaifeng did not agree to their request.

Instead, they angrily reprimanded them, and then asked them to immediately withdraw these demands, saying that this was a bureau set up by the government.

But they have long believed in their hearts that the government is afraid of them, otherwise why would they ignore the applications they submitted?

So not only did they not believe it, but they continued to ask Zaifeng to come out as the leader.

In the end, Zaifeng kicked him out.

But only at this time did he realize that they had written to the letter twice.

This time is already the third time.

Feeling that something was wrong, Zaifeng hurriedly closed the door and thanked Ke.

After seeing no one, he handed over all his property except the house he lived in to the Beijing government.

He also publicly stated that he supports all decisions of the Beijing government.

No way, he still has a big family to support, besides his son Pu Yi, he also has other children.

Chapter 259: Prelude to Action

Beiping, Forbidden City, Military Command Hall

"Hehe! I didn't expect that Zaifeng would have such courage to hand over all his property."

Han Ling sat at the head of the conference table, looked at the document in his hand, and couldn't help saying tut-tsk.

This is the list of Zaifeng's family property sent over by the government just now.

"Hehe! Those Manchus have oppressed the Chinese people for more than two hundred years, so the family's wealth is naturally considerable.

In addition, Zaifeng had been the regent before.Isn't his family productive? "

Zhang Hanqing next to him laughed.

For this, Zhang Hanqing is deeply touched.

Thinking back then, my own Lao Tzu was just a bandit with only a handful of property.

But how many years has it been since he took control of the Northeast?

The Zhang family became the first family in the Northeast.

And the wealth of the family is also very considerable.

How much it is worth, Zhang Hanqing does not know.Because there are too many industries.

This is still in the case of handing over all the arsenals and factories in the northeast to Han Ling.

However, the Manchu Qing has squeezed China for more than two hundred years. No one knows how much wealth these Manchu veterans have in their hands, but if they are gathered together, they may become the richest man in the world in an instant.

"Hmph! Squeezed for more than two hundred years? This time I want them to pay with their blood. Haven't they been squeezed for more than two hundred years? Then spit out all the food they have eaten all these years, and I want them to feel the pain of being squeezed." What a taste!"

Han Ling snorted coldly.

He knew that after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, all of his more than one million people could have food and supplies without working.

All of them are raised by Han Chinese.

And in many cities, a banner city is set up. This banner city is a place full of people living, and Han people are not allowed to enter.

They're inside and don't have to do anything.

Even if you sleep a lot every day, you can have a full stomach.

The Han people have raised them for more than two hundred years, and now it is time for them to pay.

"Ah! Commander, what do you want to do?"

Seeing the chill on Han Ling's face, Jiang Baili was a little stunned, and at the same time understood that Han Ling might be paying attention again.

Jiang Baili was a little used to Han Ling's endless thoughts.

"What to do? Tens of thousands of people! How many things can be done! How much labor is needed to build the national railway!

If these labors join in, can't our national railway plan be realized soon? "

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