A smile appeared on Han Ling's face.

Tens of millions of laborers can almost start construction of railways across the country at the same time.

Among the tens of millions of Manchus, those who can be used for labor, even if they only look at whether they can work, regardless of age or gender.

There must be several million, and almost most of them can be worked.

And if you add Lao Maozi's captives, it will be a big project involving nearly ten million people.

The start of such a huge project will leave a strong mark in the history of the world.

"Is everyone participating?"

Jiang Baili asked.

"Yes! Everyone, as long as they can move, give them to me to repair the railway. How many Han people did their ancestors kill us?

How many Han family sons' blood was stained on the hands of their ancestors.Now is the time for them to pay back! "

This point, Han Ling can be said to answer firmly.

"What about the old and the weak who can't move?"

Zhang Hanqing next to him asked.

"Old and weak? Only those who can move after this operation! No old and weak!"

Han Ling's words made Jiang Baili and Zhang Hanqing's hearts skip a beat.

Han Ling meant that they understood that those old and weak would die in this operation.won't survive.

How many of these old and weak are there?

It is impossible to have only a few, dozens, hundreds, or thousands.

Among tens of millions of people, there are at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of old and weak people who cannot move.

Possibly even more.

Zhang Hanqing and Jiang Baili looked at each other without speaking.

I just smiled wryly from the bottom of my heart.

Obviously, Han Ling has already decided on this matter.

None of them can interfere.

All along, Han Ling didn't like people interfering in the things he had already decided.

Han Ling in the Xiyuan of the Forbidden City in Beiping has already opened up this big net, just waiting for the fish to enter it.

At this time, those Manchu Qing elders outside seem determined to persecute the Beiping government for the third time.

They lobbied the Manchurians everywhere.

I hope that the Manchus will stand on their side and join them in persecuting the Beiping government.

As for those Manchu people, it has been more than two hundred years.

I have always lived the days when I put on clothes to stretch out my hands to eat and open my mouth.

After the demise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, their good days were gone.

Quite a few people were still enjoying their lives in the early days after the demise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

As a result, the money ran out quickly.

Without money, they suddenly lived in poverty.

Now I hear those old people say that as long as they put pressure on the Peking government with them, they can go back to their previous life.

Immediately, countless people joined in.

And more and more people joined them, and they suddenly grew stronger like a snowball.

Han Ling sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching all the changes outside the military headquarters.

The Manchus jumped up and down in China, as if they were about to restore.

And the little devil has been jumping up and down in the world since the second meeting.

They contacted other countries, hoping that they could write a note to the government together.

In addition, the little devil is also publicizing the government's actions internationally.

And claiming that he is not a qualified government.

It's just that the international reaction was beyond the kid's expectations.

The Americans are overwhelmed by the economic crisis, how can they have the energy to manage the affairs of the East?

The same is true for Germany. They were originally bound by the Treaty of Versailles, and the domestic economy is even more withered and unimaginable.

The old Mosso in Italy just terminated the parliamentary system two or three years ago and established his dictatorship.

He is still suppressing those who oppose him, and is preparing for an expansion or something.

For such a useless thing as the contact of the little devil, Italy eats too much, why come here to participate in the excitement?Since it didn't affect his interests, Old Mo Suo had better rectify the country first.

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