As for Britain and France.

Last time, the little devils persuaded them to trouble the government and let the government join the Washington Treaty.

As a result, not only did the goal not be achieved, but it was also humiliated.

English and French come to a fart!

Anyway, it's not in their interest, so they won't come, sit by the side, drink afternoon tea, and watch the little devil's performance, isn't it good?

As for human rights!It's a big country playing a small game.

Now that Peiping is so strong, it has blocked Soviet Russia in Angarsk.

In addition to the super battleships of the Beiping Navy, the United Kingdom has to admit that Beiping is no longer the Huaxia they used to know.

Now China is still barely capable of playing this game of competition with them.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Britain and France will not come.

The only one who will come is the old man of Soviet Russia.

This is the only comfort for the little devil.

Time is slowly passing by, when it is the end of December.

In the year [-], those Manchu elders finally connected most of the Manchus.

The only people who disagreed with joining them were a small number of people.

Among these very few people are people like Zai Feng and Zai Zhen.

In addition, there are some Manchu people.

This part of the Manchu people, those who perished from the Manchu Qing Dynasty, also learned something, so they began to settle down.

They don't want to get involved in the rest of the past.

They're doing fine now.So did not join.

Although these people did not join, those old manchus don't care anymore.

Because there are nearly ten million Manchus they have contacted here.

This number is already quite a few.

These united Manchu elders believed that the Peking government would succumb to them with such a grand petition this time.

So when [-] passed and [-] came, so many people began to write applications.

But this time it's not called the application, but the Manmin letter.

According to reports, someone saw them using cloth two to three meters wide and more than [-] meters long to sign the letter.

And such cloth, no one knows how many pieces there are.

They only know that these signed cloths are packed into a whole truckload.

Nearly ten million signatures, can this be less?

And when all of them signed, it was already January [-], [-].

It took them nearly a month to finally get everyone's signatures ready.

After getting to the sea, those Manchu Qing elders led [-] to [-] people and walked towards Chengtian Gate in Beiping.

They wanted to present the book of Wanmin to Han Ling here, and they wanted to force Han Ling to agree to their request here.

In order to build momentum, some old Manchu Qing people thought of paying attention. First, they wanted to publicize it in the newspapers to make it known throughout the country, and then walked from the gate of the city along the street to Chengtian Gate step by step.

This will surely attract more people, and the more likely their plans will be successful.

But when they turned to newspapers to build momentum for their actions, they ran into a problem.

That is, none of the newspapers agreed, and all of them were kicked out.

On several occasions, these Manchu elders even took out a lot of money.

It should be!The owner of the newspaper wanted to say yes.

But the editor-in-chief of the newspaper and those editors disagreed life and death.

Another editor-in-chief said: They are against the Beiping government of our Han people. Do you want to be a traitor?

As soon as this remark came out, the boss of the newspaper immediately dared not agree.

If this is agreed, I am afraid that the Beiping government will make trouble for itself in the future.

Chapter 260: Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish

Speaking of going online, once these literati go online, they will piss you off.

Just like the owners of these newspapers now.The money thrown out by the elders of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is enough for them to earn for many years.

However, none of the editor-in-chief and editors of the newspaper agreed to build momentum for these Manchu Qing veterans.

If your boss agrees, we will resign and leave immediately, and change to another newspaper.

Anyway, these capable literati can find good jobs wherever they go, not to mention the lack of a large number of educated and educated people under the current Beiping government.

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